Home Consciousness The Blood Moon Is Heralding The Opening Of The Powerful Lionsgate Portal, Here’s What To Expect

The Blood Moon Is Heralding The Opening Of The Powerful Lionsgate Portal, Here’s What To Expect

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When it comes to eclipses, we already left one behind – the partial solar eclipse that happened on the 12th/13th of July.

The second one in a line of three, will happen on July 27th and it’s going to be a full lunar eclipse and according to astronomers it will be the longest eclipse of the 21st century.

Lunar eclipse it’s not going to make the moon seem  invisible in the sky but instead it’s going to make it appear blood red.

The Blood Moon will be visible from almost all the places on the planet except the North American continent and parts of the South American continent. The best view will have the people leaving in South Eastern Europe.

As the moon is going to be the closest to Earth, you can expect earthquakes and other types of changes. Hopefully nothing too serious will happen, regarding safety and human lives loss.

In addition, the period between two eclipses is quite energetically potent and more often than not, it leaves a lot of consequences.

If possible, spend as much time as you can out in nature, connecting with mother Earth.  Our biggest task in the period between the eclipses is to accept the dark aspects of out being, acknowledge them and bring them out in the light of day so we can resolve them.

By doing this we’re going to liberate ourselves from old fears, blockages, unconscious parts of our existence, resentments and the inability to forgive.

However, there are  two other very important dates in July that herald the massive shift of energy that we are going to experience towards the end of July and the start of August.

Namely, according to the Galactic Calendar, July 26th marks the start of the New Galactic Year, based on the heliacal rise of Sirius – the brightest stars on our night sky. Unlike the year calculated by the Gregorian calendar that has 12 months with 28, 30 or 31 days, the Galactiv year has 13 month of 28 days.

On this day, the Earth begins a new spiral of creation called the “time spiral”. These time spirals are aligned with the galactic calendar of “Hunab Ku” or the Great Central Sun. During that time, the Sun and Sirius align, and at that moment the Lionsgate Portal opens.

Talking about powerful dates, July 25th is one of these days, and it’s called a “timeless day” during which all the possibilities become available to us. The best thing we could do is to connect with our inner creativity and set the intentions for the next galactic year.

The energies will be extremely potent because July 25th is in fact a powerful energy portal that should be used.

Since the opening of the Lionsgate Portal starts on the very same day, the great “Lion Codes” will be guided to Earth and its matrix, in order to provide the basis for integrity, clarity and purity of the heart of all people on Earth.

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