Home Consciousness Sun Meets Jupiter On November 25th/26th: Use This Powerful Day Of Luck!

Sun Meets Jupiter On November 25th/26th: Use This Powerful Day Of Luck!

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Most of the time, it is the planets and their movements that bring luck into our lives. And what other planet, but Jupiter, The Planet of Luck, would have such power over us.

Generally, if Jupiter aligns with the Sun, it is said to be the luckiest day in the entire year. It happens once a year and astrologers wait for it eagerly. It’s going to happen again this November – so are you ready to use this luck or are you going to squander it away?

The luckiest of all days

While Jupiter is full of positive energy that brings in success and abundance, nothing could happen until there are proper planetary alignments at work. Everything depends on how the other planets are moving and their position on the zodiac. Fortunately, this time, Jupiter will be moving so that it could align itself directly with the Sun on November 25th or 26th.

It is already located within Sagittarius, the Fire sign. Hence, this particular alignment of Jupiter with the Sun is the most powerful one among all the past years! Think about so many of the ‘lucky days’ that you have wasted in the past since Jupiter aligning with the Sun happens every year. Are you really going to give the most powerful one a miss? I think not!

Adventure Calls

Sagittarius is adventurous. It’s optimistic and calls you to put yourself out there and explore. On November 8th, when Jupiter entered Sagittarius, new doors started opening for you. Endless opportunities will come before you and you just have to choose the best path to move forward.

You have to take chances. Forget what was comfortable before. Create a new comfort zone and move out of the old. It’s time that all your mental restrictions are shed away. The adventure out there is waiting for you. Take the risk and find the hidden treasure you’ve always been searching for.

When Luck, Adventure and YOU align

Our true self is represented by the Sun. It builds who we are and how we act in the world. Just imagine – our entire self is meeting with the adventurous Sagittarius sprinkled with the luck of Jupiter. Nothing could bring us down anymore. What are the areas which you are looking forward to improve? 

This is the period to go out and start changing your life. Are you hesitating to apply for a lucrative job which pays well? Don’t, just go for it! Do you think about the new person you met whom you really want to date? Don’t wait for the right time – this is the best time you will ever get. If you have your mind set on it and believe that the things could fall in your favor if you were lucky, then get ready to be surprised by your sudden success!

Race against time

Time however is not completely on your side. The alignment lasts only for a day, that is, for 24-hours, and it opens too many opportunities. But that’s not an excuse to just let it slip. The energy is strong, but you should not lose your judgments. Choose the best path which you think will be good for you and start moving along that line.

If you stay focused you can achieve what you want easily. Hard work has no alternative. Luck will just help you by pushing you in the right direction, and making all the obstacles easier for you to go through but hard work gets you there. Embrace the energy, use it to work harder than ever – begin your movement towards the finish line. Time is ticking and before you know it – a ‘lucky’ day will be over!

Being both wise and lucky is the best way of achieving whatever you desire in your life. The planets have aligned itself in your favor. So, how are you going to use it?

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