Home Consciousness Psychology Says These 7 Rules Can Change The Way You See The World

Psychology Says These 7 Rules Can Change The Way You See The World

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Simple, yet very effective, psychological rules that can change your perception of the world!

These 7 simple rules can make your life brighter, more positive, more exciting, and fill it with special meaning, wisdom, and love.

1. The Rule of Mirrors 

The people that surround us are our mirrors. They reflect your personality’s characteristics, which you don’t often understand. For instance, if someone treats you rudely, it indicates that you desire and tolerate such behavior. If people often double-cross you, it means that you are gullible and blindly believe everyone. So, there’s no reason to be angry at anyone.

2. The Rule of Choice

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choices. And if I talk to a boring person today, does that mean I’m also boring?

There are no bad or evil people in the world; there are only unhappy people. If I find myself in trouble with them, it signifies that I appreciate their company. So, there is no point in pretending. I am responsible for everything that happens to me. We are the masterminds and creators of our own destiny.

3. The Rule of Mistake

I admit that I make mistakes. I do not always believe that others consider my opinions or actions correct. The real world is not black and white, but rather light gray and ash white. I’m NOT IDEAL; I’m just a good person, and I have the right to make mistakes. The most important thing is to admit the mistake and correct it at the time.

4. The Rule of Reciprocity 

I have exactly what I need and deserve, nothing more or less, whether it is relationships, work, or money-related. If I cannot completely love a person, it’s ridiculous to ask that person to love me.

So all my pretensions are meaningless. However, when I decide to change, people around me also change for the better.

5. Rule of Dependency

No one owes me anything. I will help anyone without expecting anything in return. It makes me happy.

To become good, you should first become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that you can do everything. And I believe it! But you should also learn to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence

I live here and now. Every second is present, so there is no past. Because it hasn’t yet arrived, there is no future. Depression results from dwelling on the past, whereas worries and anxiety arise from focusing on the future.

As long as I live in the present, I am REAL; I EXIST. That’s where real happiness lies.

7. The Rule of Optimism

While we stand around criticizing life, it goes by, and we don’t even notice.

Eyes see, feet walk, ears hear, hearts beat, and souls rejoice. My fitness routine, you’d ask, consists of a sunny summer, a meadow, and a river. As I move, the breeze touches my skin. I live. When I watch TV, lie on a couch, or talk to friends on the internet, I’m not present in this world but in another one.

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