Home Consciousness 9 Signs Your Personality Is So Deep It’s Intimidating Others

9 Signs Your Personality Is So Deep It’s Intimidating Others

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When we feel alone more than usual, the reason for that may be our profound personality traits.

It is true that people like complexity, but only in theory and not in practice, as it may be quite intimidating for them.

This is particularly true for men when it comes to their women: they say that they would like their woman to be complex and deep, and if she becomes that kind of woman, they will just be scared off because of the intensity in her personality.

This is not something wrong at all, as deep women can wait for the right person and the person who will be able to handle them.

These are the nine signs of having a deep personality that intimidates others:

They ask a lot of questions.

As they strive to gain a deeper understanding of certain aspects, they will exhibit a keen curiosity. They will ask a lot of questions in order to get to the core of the issue, the thought, or the emotion.

They also enjoy learning more about people, which is why they often pose numerous questions. However, they have to understand that when people are not willing to answer, they should not feel offended.

They are extremely and brutally honest.

They don’t like wasting their time talking in detail and not going straight to the main point. This is one of the reasons others either love them or hate them.

They consider that honesty is a positive characteristic. However, there are people who will not like when they tell them the truth in their faces, particularly when it comes to some hard truth.

They always know what they want.

With them always knowing what they want, they may start working more quickly, meaning others are always going to be in their dust.

So, when they speak their mind, they have the ability to achieve the desired goals, making people feel quite uncomfortable, particularly when those people compare themselves with them and their fantastic selves too.

They desire meaningful relationships.

Because they are people with deep personalities, they expect other people to give them what they give, but they are soon going to be disappointed when they realize that a lot of people are just ‘deep’ on their surface.

They are going to know when there is an excellent relationship coming their way, as it is not going to be forced, and they will feel like they can be themselves.

They don’t fear intimacy.

They really desire to share their lives with people who understand them at their deepest core. Sometimes, that may be difficult.

However, this does not mean that there will never be such people. They are going to value their friendship and family at the most profound level in order to satisfy their needs for a more profound understanding or intimacy level with the ones around them.

They have the ability to see through other people.

As they are always in touch with themselves, they have a better ability to spot certain frauds around them. People find it hard to lie to them, as they will know when a person is insincere with them. 

This can be intimidating for others, as every one of us puts on some shows most of the time.

They adore consistency.

Their profound personality traits require maintenance, meaning they don’t love surprises. They expect that others will do what they promised to do.

Sometimes, they will need more time in order to deal with some problems; however, this is also good as it means that they will spend more time working through certain things that other people would only glaze over.

They are intense.

Some people consider them too intense. They love life, so they also enjoy living it to the fullest.

It will provide them with immense joy and significance as they strive to maximize every aspect of life.

They don’t wait for others.

Their deep personalities permit them to be their own friends and understand their needs in a relationship.

This could indicate that they don’t waste their time on individuals who don’t understand them, or that they won’t wait for someone to acknowledge their greatness. There are other important things they have to do.

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