Home Consciousness 10 Signs You Have A Toxic Partner Who Will Try To Take Away Your Happiness

10 Signs You Have A Toxic Partner Who Will Try To Take Away Your Happiness

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Unfortunately, toxic love is considered the most frequent form of love. This love appears to be the result of insecurity or fear, and it does not do anyone any favors.

Our environment will become even more toxic when we get attached more and more to those people who are wrong for us. Toxic people have the ability to drain us of our happiness, regardless of whether we allow that or not. These people build their toxic relationships on an unstable foundation.

Here, we will present you with some signs that suggest you may be in a toxic relationship, or that you are currently with a toxic partner. You will undoubtedly need to make a change when you notice these signs, as toxic individuals and relationships are not suitable for everyone.

Here are ten indications of a toxic relationship or toxic partner that will make you unhappy:

You are not their priority.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but if you’re not your partner’s priority right now, you never will be. He or she has to hold you to the same standard they hold themselves. Refusing to do so will be a sign that you must move on, as you deserve a lot more.

Always blaming you for their mistakes.

The mistakes they made cannot be yours; they have to be prepared for everything they say or do. You should never be blamed for your own mistakes. Toxic people are obsessed with the idea of bringing other people down, especially those that they are closest to.

Having serious double principles and standards.

These individuals hold the belief that they possess the ability to perform all tasks, whereas their partners are not granted the same privileges. For example, you would like to go outside and spend some time together with friends, and at the same time, your partner is also with his friends; however, they will refuse that right when you ask them. Remember that they see you as their property, not as their loved one.

They don’t like your loved ones.

Typically, toxic individuals tend to dislike those who hold significant importance in your life. They will not like that idea, as those who care about you will normally see their true selves. In fact, toxic people hate this, so they are going to try hard to keep you away from your loved ones.

Disrespect your boundaries.

Toxic people will never respect your limits, and they will always force you into things that you don’t want to do. This will lead to uncomfortable situations that you shouldn’t encounter.

Always makes you feel sad.

They appear to be trying their best to bring those who love them down. Toxic individuals not only fail to support those around them, but also actively seek to tear them apart. For example, when you are happy about something, they are going to do everything in order to ruin your happiness. This pleases them, after all.

They tend to lie to you a lot.

So, for some unknown reasons, toxic people feel good when they lie. So, they are going to lie to you about something that is insignificant and goes too far in order to reach their goal, which is making you feel terrible. Remember that you cannot trust someone you love, even if you would like to do it with your whole heart.

Never give you a space for yourself.

Toxic people never allow their partners to have their personal space. For example, having your own personal space means having time to reflect and think, and thinking well may lead you to make the decision to leave your partner. These people love crossing boundaries, so when you do something without their permission, they will be furious.

Attempts at controlling you.

These people adore controlling you—and not only you but every single thing in life. This type of control represents their ultimate superpower. I just said they’d like to be able to control you and make you do what they want you to do. They’re going to cut ties when they realize they can’t control you.

Never care about the necessities you have.

These people are never going to listen to you or care about your own necessities. They are selfish, so they don’t want to worry about you or everything you need. They practice only self-care, although you may be in a relationship for a long time.

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