Home Consciousness Today Is Mother’s Day: Honoring Mother Earth And Everything That Gives Life

Today Is Mother’s Day: Honoring Mother Earth And Everything That Gives Life

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

For a lot of people, Mother’s Day represents a quite challenging day, and a day full of remembrance and beauty.

Mothering is definitely the most complicated task that humans are assigned with, as it requires radical depths of compassion and strength and the difficult responsibilities of birth and gestation.

Many mothers in the world say that regardless of what else they do in their lives, being mother and mothering yielded some of their biggest challenges and blessings in their lives.

In order to make things more complicated, we have to remember that the Divine Feminine is not so active in the consciousness of human beings than it is in the lifetime of mothers.

They know this as they sense less flexibility and softness in this field, which are two characteristics usually associated with their Divine Feminine, and rather than that, they see individuals valuing strength, force, and competition, which are traits usually associated with the Masculine.

Both these forces are necessary for a healthy balance and equilibrium in their lives. However, the scales get heavily balanced and equaled in directions of the Masculine, leaving a lot of them with the incredible need of some soft place for landing.

The question for all mothers on this Mother’s Day actually is where they can expand into a more profound relationship with their own flexibility and softness?

What life parts have to be nurtured? Where is their inner garden parched and dry? How might their Feminine find them, and reach them with their healing waters chalice?

Rather than acknowledging human mothers during this Mother’s Day, we should choose to respect and honor our Great Mother, the common Pachamama, Gaia, or Madre Tierra.

In fact, she is definitely the mother that is never going to let us down or even disappoint us. She always maintains her eyes open and is there, and entirely awake, tending fires, keeping us warm, and even hold us in her embrace.

She is going to hold us accountable when we falter; however, we are still going to feel loved as she gives us unconditional and unfaltering love.

We are all hungry for such eternal softness or a beautiful and peaceful place where we can rest our tired minds, or find the source of hydrating our soul continually, a river that we can’t deplete.

Sometimes, the Divine Feminine will hide in the Masculine world for safety. We should seek the Feminine out, and summon her, welcoming her into our light while summer in our Northern Hemisphere is coming.

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1 comment

Cathy Greer May 13, 2019 - 3:59 am

Thank you smile’s that’s a great read and thank u again for the blessing smile’s ✌😀👋💚


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