Home Consciousness 11 Essential Tips To Ditch Procrastination And Master Self-Discipline

11 Essential Tips To Ditch Procrastination And Master Self-Discipline

by consciousreminder
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by Donald Fomby
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

We all have bad habits and procrastination is, more frequently than not, one of them. The worst part about bad habits is that they are so difficult to break. These can put off our relationships, businesses, and personal lives.

But how do certain people seem to be able to do it all? Well, the secret is building some self-discipline and learning how to ignore our urge to procrastinate. Below are some of the lessons learned by people who have mastered it.

#1. Be productive in your free days

People live under the impression that they’re entitled to waste time on their free days, especially on weekends. But this is a pitfall that can cause a lot of issues in your personal and financial life. The first step to master self-discipline is learning how to resist the temptation. Quit partying on weekends, quit smoking, quit doing what you call “relaxing”. Become a doer, instead. Get a side hustle, and train your mind in operating at full potential, even when you’re “entitled” not to.

#2. Get uncomfortable

To master self-discipline and break bad habits like procrastination, you have to get a little uncomfortable. And what better way to manage this tip if not by asking others what your biggest flaws are? Ask them to be ruthlessly sincere with you. This will teach you some things about yourself, things you were unlikely to realize otherwise. 

#3. Set clear goals

You can’t master self-discipline until you know why you want to master it. The reasons why you want to achieve better self-management and control are usually well-aligned with your life goals, be those short or long-term. If it helps, write a list of missions and goals. Read those to yourself and make a point out of not letting you distracted from those, each day, every day.

#4. Get specific with your wants and needs

Now, this is where the matter gets serious. People are told that bad habits stem from uncertainty and indecisiveness. Now, getting clear on your wants and needs is not easy. But try to make a habit of keeping a journal. Write down every day what you want to achieve. Set daily, weekly, monthly, even yearly goals, be those professional, financial, personal, or whatever. This will make you keep on track and avoid procrastination. Plus, it will train you into becoming more content with your wants and needs.

#5. Have a plan

Now, you can’t train yourself into becoming a self-disciplined individual overnight. You have to have a plan, a formula. For instance, if you want to master financial self-discipline, find a formula that makes you save more money. When your income increases, avoid what every other guy seems to do. Don’t let your expenses increase, too. Keep your lifestyle at the same level as before, and save up the extra money you make.  Apply similar strategies and plans in other areas in your life, where you want to master self-control.

#6. Know the root of your bad habits

So, you know you have bad habits, we all do, after all. But do you know where are these sourced? What are the triggers of your bad habits? For many people, bad habits stem from a lack of focus, stress, and so on. Identify yours and see what can you do to avoid them.

#7. Learn how to enforce better ones

Now, since you’re aware of your triggers and what keeps you away from achieving your goals, you have to learn how to enforce better ones. For instance, if you keep scrolling social media at work every other minute, to relieve stress, this will make you lose valuable time. Practice what professionals call delayed gratification. It helps you plan for better habits that turn you into a more productive and happier individual. Instant gratification is a huge pitfall of self-discipline.

For instance, at translation companies reviews website PickWriters, you can choose the translators who manage to enforce better habits by isolating themselves during work hours and avoiding small chit chat during the workday. This allows them to remain hyper-focused on the tasks they have. As simplistic as it might sound, managing this shows a lot of self-control and discipline.

#8. Become a doer

Taking action may be one of the most difficult steps when trying to enforce better habits and break bad ones. And the most difficult part of this step is actually starting.

For instance, when habits like smoking and drinking endanger your life, job, relationships, it’s best to start immediately as you realize it. Although you will find it difficult to quit smoking, the first day is the worst. Each day that passes, you will find it easier and easier to live without said habit. And, when you want to ditch the doer attitude you just acquired, remember that everything is only in your mind.

#9. Prepare your productive and proactive connections

Prime your mind to embrace the proactive attitude each day. Many of us enter in the reactive phase as soon as we get out of bed. For instance, we don’t want to be productive when we get out of bed, we want to skip work that day, and so on. But, try to focus for a couple of minutes every morning on your goals and your mission. Prepare your mind to enter in the proactive phase. Once you embrace this new disposition, self-discipline becomes a breeze.

#10. Find communities

Ok, mastering self-discipline on your own is not a breeze. You can self-sabotage your progress in a matter of seconds. But, what many have found to work like a charm for them, is attending groups and community events that can help you reach your goal. For instance, alcoholics and addicts use support groups to find someone to keep them accountable. Knowing that others rely on you is a powerful driver of self-discipline.

#11. Get uncomfortable

You may lack self-discipline because you don’t like doing certain things. But, as they say, no pain, no gain. Whatever makes you feel uncomfortable, do it, there is nobody else who will do it for you.

Ditching procrastination and bad habits is a lengthy process. And so is mastering self-discipline. But the most difficult part is actually doing something about it. 

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