by Conscious Reminder
A whole new world of opportunities opens up around Jupiter and there’s always a ton of fun involved. With an inclination towards the lighter side of things, Jupiter just wants to go out and live life to the fullest.
The playfulness that is so characteristic of Jupiter also leaks into love and this influence gives us a new appreciation of romance. Love is meant to be enjoyed and isn’t something we need to fear.
A new relationship is a lot of fun when the aspects of Jupiter manifest in accordance with the natal aspect of Venus. In this period, we’re likely to come across people we’re compatible with, making us look forward to the prospect of a burgeoning romance.
By moving from the 5th house to the 7th house of Venus, Jupiter makes the idea of commitment more fluid. We want it but not too much of it.
In the 8th house, interests shift to the more physical aspects of a relationship. However, Jupiter has a tendency to expand. So if you have issues, they’ll only seem to get worse.
Whenever Jupiter squares or opposes another celestial body, commitment will feel like a burden. A free spirit to its very core, Jupiter doesn’t like being caged.
At its best, it will just make you feel like strengthening new bonds is too much work and you’d rather relax than put in all that effort. If you don’t take precautions, life can get very stagnant during this time.
Finding someone with a matching horoscope under the influence of Jupiter could be one of the most monumental moments in your life. It’s just easier to connect with a person who shares your sign in natal Jupiter and this bond can grow into something truly beautiful.
Unlike Neptune which makes everything feel like some perfect dream, Jupiter makes us honest about our shortcomings. But since our compatibility is so strong, we’ll find it easier to take each other as we are.
It might feel like a lot but Jupiter’s influence in love isn’t actually a bad thing. However, we do need energy from other heavenly bodies to keep us grounded. The romances we enter into, under Jupiter, must not die quick and quiet deaths.
Most important is Saturn because it is the planet of commitment and balance. It will help us find our center when things become difficult. The seriousness of Pluto also helps especially because Pluto is always looking to forge intimate bonds with others.
The positivity of Jupiter when combined with both Saturn and Pluto, or either one, can become a strong influence in ensuring that a new relationship stays strong in the long run and also to make a pre-existing one progress.
Even without a grounding influence, Jupiter’s energy will ensure that you have a good time. Take what you can out of it, while it lasts because it’s just not meant to be at this time.
Just use the opportunity to the fullest and make some great memories!
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