Home Consciousness Prepare For The Harvest Full Moon In Pisces On 14th September: Protect Your Energies

Prepare For The Harvest Full Moon In Pisces On 14th September: Protect Your Energies

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As you herald the Autumn after some glorious Summer months, the first event you face is the Full Moon or Harvest Moon, according to Native American folklore.

This event takes place on 14th, so you need to keep in mind that emotional upheavals will be coming up as a result of this Full Moon being in Pisces. For Pisces is all about emotional attunement, being a watery sign.

The Full Moon fully complements that. But don’t beat yourself up if you suddenly feel too many emotions at the same time, be gentle.

This Full Moon is different because it is present near the Equinoxes. This allows for gathering and harvesting, for the light of the Moon allows people to view and harvest what they have sowed months back, during the Summer Equinox.

Since the shroud between reality and the spirit world dims down, you need to be careful about what you think and bring in your life.

Try banishing negativity all around you and never open your doors to what you don’t understand. We need to protect ourselves from such negative energies through God’s White Light.

It is not a problem for you to have aspirations of what you want from your life. But that doesn’t mean you should stop thinking about what’s really happening around you.

Keep your focus on reality at least for the time being. For it is your daily routine that makes who you are. So, why not give your attention to that and see how you can improve it.

Also, you might as well cleanse yourself out so that you can allow positive energy to come through.

Remember that the energy of the Earth believes in taking actions rather than building castles in the air. You need to act simple, which will affect your life.

September is going to motivate you to work across whatever you have thought of as a hindrance. If sluggish, then use this energy to cross off whatever you have on your to-do list.

This is the time when you need to let go of what was holding you back. Shed your past and herald a new present. There won’t be many opportunities coming before you which you should let go at any cost.

You can do a ceremony to mark this occasion. All you need is a piece of paper where you write down whatever you want to release into the Universe.

Then go out and voice them out aloud. Burn them after that in a pot or oven and thank divinity for what it has given you.

You need to keep this in mind that although September is all about opportunities, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be twists and turns along the way.

But you can’t afford to let go this close to the end. This harvest period is going to be important for you would reap what you sowed before.

We understand that things have been pretty tiring for you, with no visible reward. But that doesn’t mean you let go so close.

Use the energy from September to achieve your goals. For this month and the Full Moon is all about that.

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