Home Consciousness Tune Into The Love Frequency To Manifest The Soulmate You Deserve

Tune Into The Love Frequency To Manifest The Soulmate You Deserve

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When you attune yourself with higher frequencies of love, love automatically attracts you. At the same time, your essence is radiated, making you a lot more attractive.

There is no straightforward definition of love. There is familial and parental love or the roller coaster feeling of romantic love.

Also, there is the “divine love” – your connection with the higher powers you believe in. But one thing can be agreed upon: that being loved and loving are good things.

How Does The Frequency Of Love Work

The whole Universe is created with energy. We exert an influence on this field of energy via our actions, beliefs, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Every one of us has a vibrating frequency.

The frequency is lower when we feel fear, anger, or doubt. On the other hand, the frequency is higher when our focus is on good things, like love, and helping others. This higher frequency is the love frequency.

Imagine that your mind is like a radio. The choice is with you whether you listen to the channel of FEAR or that of BLISS. However, to be able to make that choice you have to have a constant awareness of your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. This is when you become an emotionally mature human being.

You may have heard the proverb saying things you focus on, grow. Love works just like that. If you are attentive towards love, it will grow and attract more love. On the other hand, if you focus on how you lack love, you are inviting isolation, and turning away the love you want.

The daily practice of Love Gratitude is among the quickest ways of heightening your frequency of love. First, create a list of everyone you love and you are certain loves you too.

It can be anyone, a family member, your senior/junior, child, does not have to be romantic. Then every day, look at the list. At the same time, focus on the heart and let yourself feel all the love that you have for everyone on the list.

After that, send a love wave towards them. Through this act, you fill yourself up with love’s experience and share it cosmically. Doing this every day for a couple of minutes raises your frequency of love. Thus, your heart becomes more attracted to love.

Another benefit of being attentive towards love is supported by scientific research. It says that your immunity is boosted by about 8 hours when you focus on feelings like gratitude, appreciation, and love.

Having a higher love frequency also means being happier and healthier. 

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