Home Consciousness Which 3 Zodiacs Will The Autumn Equinox 2019 Influence The Most?

Which 3 Zodiacs Will The Autumn Equinox 2019 Influence The Most?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Summer 2019 was all fun and almost no work. But as the seasons change, so does the Sun’s position. 23rd September will be witness to two events.

The Sun will shift to the zodiac of Libra, bringing in the season of balance. And, we will witness the Autumn Equinox on the same date.

Equinox is the day when we have 12 hours of sunlight and moonlight each. As Autumn begins on such a unique day, it tells us to look ahead. The Autumn Equinox hails the winter. And now is the best time to plan how to end the year on a good note.

Each season has 3 zodiacs associated with it. As Autumn approaches, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius must be the ones to prepare for it.

Libra helps us balance the present and the future and prepare accordingly. Scorpio tells us to let go of the past and sow seeds for the coming winter. Sagittarius wraps all this and leads us to the bleak season.

Here’s how the ones under these 3 signs will get affected by the Autumn Equinox 2019:


Who else but you! The Autumn Equinox is all set to take place on the very day the Sun moves into your sign. But don’t worry, it’s all happy and vibrant from now on. As the Sun fills you with the energy of the Universe, your doubts will start disappearing.

Libra is a sign (in)famous for being indecisive. But guess what? The unique combination of the powers, the Autumn Equinox and the Sun in your sign, is about to give you a huge dose of confidence. This will lead to actions. Decisive actions. Enjoy the powers while they last!


This Autumn Equinox is here to give you a reminder. You have been enjoying far too much for far too long. And now it is time to change. Evaluate your attachments, to people and to things.

Let go of the ones weighing you down. As the new season begins, let go of old routines, just like nature. If the situation or person doesn’t serve your growth, maybe you have outgrown them. Move ahead.


The stars and planets are all cheering for you this Autumn Equinox! Neptune and Jupiter are all set to give you a mystical and magical homecoming. As the Sun shifts in Libra, it is joined by Mercury and Venus.

This means your social life will be off the radar now! Use it to its full potential. The ones you come across, friends or others, they will be helping you manifest your many dreams soon.

Gear up as the date approaches. It’s going to be a really happy and fun-filled time for all. Enjoy the cosmic gifts!

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