Home Consciousness  A Time Of Karmic Balance Is Upon Us

 A Time Of Karmic Balance Is Upon Us

by consciousreminder
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by Gabriel Melchizedek
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Where much Natural Disaster is unfolding to balance the ignorance of the West, to recognise the role of the Indigenous, in keeping the realms of nature (elemental/spirit, plant/animal) in balance.

I say ignorance, but I also truth the divine plan. The perfect unfolding, suffering as the mechanism for awakening and realisation.

The perpetration of Indigenous Culture and Homeland by the West is now seeing its karmic outplay.

Nature’s Law is righteous, with Fires in the Brazilian Amazon, to California, to now Australia burning up (just to name a few).

Mother Nature is furious.

What will it take for the Human Ego of separation and individualism, to realise it is intimately connected to the whole?

And that Mother Nature is the supreme intelligence?

CHAOS will purge the ego.

And from CHAOS comes order.

What can we do now?

Pray to those we have neglected.

Mother Nature wants to hear you.

The elementals want to hear you.

Let’s focus on the current CHAOS (Australia’s is lighting up with Fires).

In Australia (also expressed in many Indigenous Cultures) we have the RAINBOW SERPENT / WATER DRAGONS.

by Gabriel Melchizedek Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

The Indigenous Australians, in their wisdom, would organise ritual to give gratitude, thanks and energetic exchange to these elemental beings, for their role in the divine play – in the realms of spirit to procure rain when necessary.

Water Dragons are in every indigenous culture, and are the Supreme beings of the Water element and in the in the CURRENT NOW – because of Human Ignorance – have withdrawn their grace from this world.

Many of the Supreme Elementals have withdrawn their grace – until the Human ego transcends, and the soul intelligence of the planet as a collective arises to a level of attunement that they are recognised and reinvited back to the realms of Man…

So without going on another tangent ^^^ this topic is massive ….

A CALL to reconnect with the Elementals.

To ask them for support – for recognition – return from hiding – as they play an important role in the Balance of realms (SPIRIT and MATTER).

A CALL to the Rainmakers.

Arise now, speak the tongue, it’s organically in your DNA, speak to the Mother (and thus the elementals).

by Gabriel Melchizedek Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

A CALL to Humanity.

We will be continually tested.

May we UNITE as one VOICE, so the MOTHER can hear us.

SHE can end this CHAOS.

MAY we realise, our INTERCONNECTION with LIFE.


May the love in all hearts prevail.


About the Author: Gabriel Melchizedek is a lover of this beautiful blessing that is life. To be 100% alive with purpose void of attachment. Through my many journeys, experiences and inner realizations, by the will of Divine Grace, I wish to share from my heart to yours in faith that those in resonance may receive reflections that will assist them on their soul’s journey…

It is my deepest knowing that the greater we open our hearts to the divine, the more we are touched by its grace. Love is the greatest power in the universe, and this reflection wills to see it realised within.  


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