by Conscious Reminder
On 19th June, Venus will position itself close to the Moon, giving us a beautiful grand spectacle.
Be sure to set an alarm at 4 in the morning this Friday to get a perfect view of this celestial dance. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this!

Gary Seronik / S&T; source: Stellarium
The elegant crescent Moon will rise close to Venus, the brightest planet in our skies. With a magnitude of -4.5, this queen planet will be closest to the Moon after a long time.
The two bright celestial bodies give the appearance of something otherworldly. And it comes as no surprise that whenever this dance takes place, planetariums, TV stations, radio stations, and police stations receive several phone calls inquiring about a possible UFO!
But this 19th June, don’t panic, simply spread the word, and enjoy the beautiful occasion.
The celestial event can be viewed from all over America. For people residing in western America, the two celestial bodies will be only 2 degrees apart. For people in Central America, the Moon and the Venus will be apart by a mere distance of 1 degree. Meanwhile, for the folks in east America, the distance will be lesser than even 1 degree!
Venus Will Make A Grand Entrance From Behind The Moon
Folks from New England, north and east New York, and those following the Canadian maritime will witness Venus’s grand entrance from behind the Moon. As the sky darkens, the Moon will cover Venus. And as Venus exits Moon’s shadow, she will end her occultation. This disappearance and reappearance is what we call an occultation.
As the Moon will be lit up to 4 percent by the Sun’s rays and Venus by 8 percent, the event will be visible to our naked eyes. But if you want to make it extra special by seeing the intricate details of the celestial event, you can always use telescopes or binoculars.
Venus will emerge at exactly an angle 40 degrees from behind the lunar orb. It will take around 90 seconds for us to see the grand entrance. And since Venus is only partially lit by the Sun, the duration of observation will be around 10 seconds.
The Two Bright Celestial Bodies Will Dance Close To Each Other
The sky will be brighter and the Moon higher for people living further east and north. The perfect place to view the entire event in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. And the celestial event will take place just before dawn, which is very rare.
The visibility of Venus’s occultation will vary slightly from place to place. Chances of seeing such an occultation in the above-mentioned locations again anytime soon are not high. The dance of Venus, appearing and disappearing, happens every thirty-one years.
And in general, the reappearance or the disappearance happens every twenty-one years. Set your clocks and witness this celestial event this Friday, or you will have to wait till 13th September 2031!
The Moon will be bright and crescent while Venus will stand just beside the lunar orb, based on when you see it.
On 3rd June, Venus transformed from an evening star to a morning star. Usually, stars and planets at dawn are not visible, but because this queen planet is the brightest among all, we can easily spot her.
Brace yourself, for this celestial event will be breathtaking.
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