Home Consciousness December Full Moon: An Emotional Lunation In Cancer

December Full Moon: An Emotional Lunation In Cancer

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The last Full Moon of the year is set to rise on the night of 29th December in the sign of sweet Cancer.

Known as the energetic high point of the lunar cycle, Full Moons can be extremely potent and impact how we feel, act, and sleep.

The nurturing energy of Cancer will bring out the sensitivity within us. This will be a great time to sort all the storms we have braved throughout 2020. Reflecting and sorting those emotions will help us make space to welcome the new year.

Remember to love and pamper yourself under this lunation and connect with people who make you feel pampered. Self-care and a sense of comfort are all we seek as the Full Moon rises. In order to fully explore all the emotions this Full Moon brings, we have to be comfortable in our own space.

Full Moons are always more potent because they rise opposite the Sun. Usually, they are in opposite zodiacs too. If the Sun is in Leo, the Full Moon will be in Aquarius.

As the two heavenly bodies shine in the opposite energies of the zodiacs, it amplifies their energies and shakes up our lives with potent emotions. Let’s see how the Cancer Full Moon this December will affect us:

Ready To Pull An All-nighter?

The intense energy from a Full Moon often interrupts our sleep. Even scientific research shows people take longer to fall asleep, stay asleep for fewer hours, and the depth and quality are also not too good under Full Moons.

The lunar energy often converts into nightmares or dreams as we sleep. If you can tap into this energy, those wonderful dreams can be manifested in the following days too!

Emotional High

In Astrology, the Moon is known as the planet ruling our feelings, emotions, and vulnerabilities. When it is locked in a tense opposition, and at its energetic peak, Full Moons make us feel our emotions more intensely.

This December Full Moon will be rising in the sign of Cancer, which is already known as an emotional sign. Together, it can be a difficult time, especially when it comes to vulnerabilities. Try not to get lost in the ocean of emotions.

Full Moons Make Us Social Butterflies

Full Moons make us focus on external energies and interpersonal issues. New Moons are all about introspection, but Full Moon energy is best utilized out socializing. Spend some extra time with your partner or enjoy dinner with your family.

Full Moon’s Illumination

The shine of a Full Moon not only light up the sky but also our minds. New ideas, information, and feelings come pouring in. Or you might have had those emotions or ideas in your subconscious and now it’s bubbling to reach the surface. Whatever it is, trust your instincts and go with the flow of the Moon’s energy.

Turn On A New Leaf

Once the Moon peaks on a Full Moon night, it starts waning and releasing its energy. This waning period can be great for letting go of all bad habits and patterns that serve you no good. Leave that toxic relationship, stop your bad habits. Release all the negative energy and bathe in the moonlight.

After an intense year, we are finally ready to welcome 2021. The year ends on a positive note with the Cancer Full Moon. Let go of the things that are not helping you grow and focus on self-care.

Let the Moon hold your hand as you step into the new year.

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