Home Consciousness Believe In Yourself and Watch the Magic Unfold

Believe In Yourself and Watch the Magic Unfold

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It is very interesting to note that when a person commits to achieving their growth, begins cross-checking the truth, and exists with guidance from the spiritual realm, magical things take place.

It becomes easier for us to start identifying fake people and connect with the people who are genuine and warm.

The traditional patriarchal norms have always preached putting up a fake front until we are able to attain our goal in life.

However, we must discard such false notions. Rather we must start following feminine notions that encourage us to believe in ourselves from the beginning till the very end.

Instead of becoming hypocritical, we must strive to align with the authentic version of ourselves because this will help us acquire the appropriate experiences.

This kind of energy is quite different and empowering. Shifting to feminine energy ensures growing and increasing our horizons. We must have compassion towards those with whom we share our journey.

However, when the time comes to practice these things, we get scared and step back. We must try to identify the shift as soon as possible.

Believing Is The Key

We can attain freedom once we stop forcing ourselves to do things or become someone we are not comfortable with. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to show our abilities and become authentic, we can be liberated.

The most successful people have made it only because they were true to themselves. As a result, we can create a large-scale impact on the world once we can become authentic.

We will feel magical when we experience the deepest desires of our heart coming true and when we can express ourselves without fear.

However, being true to ourselves is not the only aspect of obtaining freedom and feeling the magic. We must also encourage others to follow the same path and embrace them for who they are without passing judgment.

Often we see that people with past wounds have difficulty in being authentic and hide from others and themselves. We must learn to break away from these shackles and evolve as individuals.

Live The Magic

We must give permission to ourselves in order to express our authentic selves in the rawest and truest form. This will further ensure connecting with other people who are also true to themselves.

While we struggle in sharing difficult experiences, being true will guide us by giving us courage. Therefore, we should respect the power of authenticity within ourselves as well as others.

Moreover, if we do not like something or something that triggers us in the wrong way, we should take a step forward. We should address this issue and discuss it with the other person face-to-face and resolve the problem. This is essential in the journey of evolution.

At times, when we are not ourselves, we end up blocking, unfriending or ignoring them. This causes more problems and suppresses the pain that we feel. Eventually, this pain becomes too large for us to tackle appropriately.

Heal And Evolve

Healing is an important step in evolving. We must take time to heal deep wounds and address the deep-seated issues to move forward and grow.

The crucial sign of a person who has healed is someone who helps others to heal. Only an awakened person can motivate others in the path of self-awareness.

Being real also means taking accountability for previous mistakes and finally changing those harmful patterns.

If we keep playing the blame game, we will never be able to take responsibility and achieve self-development. Magic happens when we evolve and become true from within.

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