Home Consciousness Being Alone Is Better Than Being With Someone Who Makes You Feel Lonely And This Is Why

Being Alone Is Better Than Being With Someone Who Makes You Feel Lonely And This Is Why

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When we are about to enter a relationship, one of the first things that come to mind is that we won’t be lonely anymore. 

But, in fact some people are simply not meant to be with us and no matter how hard we try, there is still something missing and we can’t shake the feeling.

In an attempt to save our relationship, we try to change ourselves. We go from one extreme to another trying our best to maintain the connection. We lower our self-respect.

This person we are in a relationship with might hurt us and even make our life painful, but somehow ‘love’ makes us blind and what we are doing is making excuses.

We feel the pain of living like that but we cannot fathom a solution. And it doesn’t happen because we are so deeply in love or can’t imagine our life without this person. It’s fear; we are prisoners of fear because we are afraid to stay alone.

However, regardless of what we do, the feeling of emptiness is always present. Despite being in a relationship, we are lonely.

Only some of us have the courage to leave the person behind and move on in their life without them. Leaving anyone behind is the most difficult decision that you have to make. The reason is behind it – memories.

Memories basically cloud our judgement. This is because we never lose hope – the hope that the past times might come back – the times when there was plenty of laughter and love.

Maybe there is still hope. But if this has been going on for a long time or on a regular basis, then you need to stop and analyze your relationship.

To make this decision, you have to put yourself first. This does not mean to be selfish, but rather to love yourself at least as much as you love the other person. This is an act of love towards you.

Once you free yourself from such relationships, you learn to be independent. You learn to value yourself and make your own choices. You live life to its fullest.

There is fair chance that you feel alone after ending the relationship. But have faith in yourself and wait. You will feel freer than you have ever felt because you will start a new relationship.

Actually once you get rid of the toxicity, you will embark on the most important journey of your life, and that is the relationship with your own self.

Fall in love with who you are and true love will find you! 

Love and Light!

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