Home Consciousness August 2022 Is Bringing Full Super Moon In Aquarius

August 2022 Is Bringing Full Super Moon In Aquarius

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Remember the events of June 14th and try to think of the things that were stirring during the previous Full Super Moon. There have been 3 Full Super Moons since June. The final and third one in 2022 is arriving on August 11th.

This part of our journey can feel like closure or some sort of culmination. If you know the things that were hindrances in June, you might come across them again now. However, this will be the journey’s endpoint or a point when you have to make a decisive decision.

Full Moons are usually known for shedding light on things in our lives that need release. The August Full Super Moon will take place in the airy Aquarius. The sign stands for transmutation and healing as it collects and cleanses the “water” (psychical, emotional energy) of the surrounding world.

This Aquarian energy can be used to reconnect with the water-bearer’s gifts. As such, we can try to change negative, heavy, grief-stricken energies into loving, lighter, and more hopeful ones.

Allow your heart to radiate compassion and overflow with the affection you receive from the Full Moon. Since it will also be 2022’s final Super Moon, it can also lead us to decisive points. Now, we might have all the knowledge needed to decide on our next direction.

The Influence Of Saturn And Uranus

Karma’s ruler Saturn will also be very active during this lunation. This means we will be asked to take on greater responsibility for what we do and to make sure our actions are aligned with our higher self. Saturn’s lessons can be harsh at times, but they will always build towards growth. However, you have to be willing to put in the work to take charge of your life’s direction.

The Uranus-North Lunar Node conjunction will also be a major influence during this lunation. This energy is all about making the most stable foundations unstable. However, this is taking place on a global scale rather than on the individual level. Many issues have already unfolded while more is set to happen. They will all help us make long-term, sustainable changes.

For individuals, this energy can make us think about the reliability of our most stable places and where we will be able to place our actual trust. There might be a call for change, adaptation, or decision if we are to carry on our present path.

Prepare For A Bit Of Heaviness

As such, the energy combination during this lunation may feel harsh. With the above two energies triggered, we can feel emotional, extra-sensitive, and heavy. Actually, active Saturn energy is known to make us feel stifled or smothered. Similarly, active Uranus energy can raise feelings of uneasiness, instability, or a looming sense of change.

The best method of navigating through these hosts of energies will be to remember Aquarius’s offering of healing gifts for us. Keep in mind that our breath has the power to stabilize our emotions, body, and mind.

We may not have any control over whatever takes place in the wide world surrounding us. We may not have any control over any of the events that may take place. However, we will always have control as to our choice of self-representation at those events, our method of handling them, and the issues and events we decide to spend our energy on.

During the upcoming lunation, make an intentioned decision to only spend your energy on the things that make you feel fulfilled. Make the conscious choice to view things from a perspective that brings peace as well as honors your personal truth.

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