Home Consciousness Telltale Signs You’ve Met Someone from Your ‘Soul Family’

Telltale Signs You’ve Met Someone from Your ‘Soul Family’

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Have you ever met someone who makes you feel like you’ve known them “forever” even though you’ve only met them recently?

Have you ever met someone with whom you instantly connect without knowing why?

Sometimes these people predict what you’re going to say before you even say it. Mateo and I used to call these encounters “freaky mind connections” because we’d frequently think and say the same thing at the same time.

These people with whom we have a deep heart connection can be referred to as our “Soul Family” or “Soul Group”.

I’ll show you how to identify members of your own Soul Family and what lessons they can teach you.

What exactly is a Soul Family?

A Soul Family is a group of people with whom your Soul resonates energetically on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

These people belong to the same “Spirit Family” as you and share an intensely strong bond that transcends time and space.

Most people intuitively describe this connection as having the same “frequency” or “vibration” because of the deep harmony felt.

Such a deep and harmonious bond goes beyond sharing the same surface-based personality tastes, hobbies, and opinions: it’s an intense magnetic and spiritual bond that the mind cannot explain.

As a result, your Soul Family is frequently described as being made up of Souls cut from the same “energetic cloth” as you.

Types of Soul Family Connections

There are numerous types of Soul Family connections that you can form, including:

  • soul friends
  • soulmates or kindred spirits,
  • karmic relationships, and
  • twin flames

A Soul connection occurs when two people with the same vibrational frequency overlap energetically and share similar thoughts, feelings, values, and dreams.

Despite coming from different cultures, races, or backgrounds, you’ll feel an ancient and strong connection in your bones, blood, and very Soul.

What Is the Purpose of Soul Families?

Meeting a member of one’s Soul Family is the most valuable social experience a person can have, in my opinion.

This type of person’s defining characteristic is that they make it impossible for you to remain the same person after they leave your life.

Relationships, like nature, have different seasons. Meeting a Soul Family member can last a few hours on a plane or 60 years of marriage. Such connections can sometimes be severed (if only temporarily) by physical death.

Every member of your Soul Family will appear in your life to teach you a lesson and to help you awaken spiritually.

We are not always ready to fully connect with members of our Soul Family, but that is a lesson in and of itself.

So, what is the purpose of Soul Families?

Soul Families are a natural byproduct of the “flow” of Spirit, metaphysically speaking. When you look at the ocean, you’ll notice that sometimes there are clusters of waves. The same is true for Soul Families: we are all Spirit, but we are also divided into numerous Soul Families. These Soul Families play specific roles, such as assisting one another in embodying the purpose of their Souls.

In other words, your Soul Family is here to help you learn, grow, and experience “nirvana,” also known as self-realization or spiritual enlightenment in ancient traditions.

Soul Families Throughout History

Many spiritual traditions believe that the challenges we face in life are predetermined before birth.

It is said that we choose our families, our bodies and personalities, and the people we bring into our lives. These people were chosen by our Souls because they would provide us with the best opportunity to learn the many life lessons we require to grow spiritually.

There are numerous examples of Soul Families throughout history that gained significant traction and force, resulting in significant social change.

Consider the Creative Renaissance, which included Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Machiavelli, Thomas More, Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Martin Luther, and William Shakespeare. They were most likely all members of the same Soul Family!

There was also the Spiritual Renaissance, which included people like Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Makkhali Gosala, and Ajita Kesakambali.

There were Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, and Lieh Tzu in China, and Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras in Greece.

All of these people interacted with one another (directly or indirectly) in various ways that were required for a revolution to occur.

Consider Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Machiavelli, Thomas More, Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Martin Luther, and William Shakespeare of the Creative Renaissance. They were almost certainly all part of the same Soul Family!

There was also the Spiritual Renaissance, which featured individuals such as Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Makkhali Gosala, and Ajita Kesakambali.

In China, there were Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, and Lieh Tzu, and in Greece, there were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras.

All of these people interacted with one another (directly or indirectly) in the various ways that a revolution required.

12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

There are a few indicators that you’ve met someone who connects with you on a Soul level. (Please keep in mind that many of these signs do not apply to karmic relationships.) Here are a few points to consider:

1. Your eye contact is intense and captivating

You are not afraid to maintain prolonged eye contact with members of your Soul Family; it does not feel awkward. When you make eye contact, it’s as if you both share something familiar, something comforting, and something ancient.

Perhaps you’re tapping into a deeper truth that you both silently understand and share when you make eye contact.

2. They will be more Soul-centric than Ego-centric

Members of your Soul Family will be uninterested in ego-centered pursuits like fame, status, money, and glory. Instead, they will be more concerned with the soul.

They might be interested in conscious living, meditation, healthy eating, yoga, environmental activism, and so on. Even if they aren’t particularly “spiritual,” you’ll notice their big heart.

3. You’re drawn to them magnetically

Members of your Soul Family will “pop out” to you for no apparent reason. You’ll be drawn to them and their energy right away. Even if you lose contact with them, they will most likely reappear in your life.

4. Both of you speak the “same language”

When you speak, you both have similar thoughts and insights, and you’re on the “same page” emotionally. You frequently repeat the same thoughts and words, as if you’re mirroring each other’s minds.

5. You feel as though you’ve known them for your entire life

You’ve never felt more at ease and understood by another person in your life! Your connection feels timeless deep down. You felt an odd sense of recognition and familiarity when you first met this person.

6. You always feel energized when you’re around them

When you spend time with a Soul Tribe member, you will feel energetically uplifted rather than drained.

7. They appear in your life when you are in desperate need of guidance

When you are willing to go beyond your current layers of fear and limiting beliefs, you will attract a member of your Soul Family for spiritual guidance.

8. Hours talking with them feels like minutes

When you speak with someone from your Soul Family, time is completely relative. You have so much fun talking with them that time flies by and before you know it, three hours have passed!

9. They are a reflection of your best qualities

Your Soul Family reflects your best qualities, but they will also push you to see and accept your flaws.

Creating difficult circumstances for you to learn from (usually unconsciously) or being brutally honest with you (even if it hurts) are examples of challenging you.

In any case, you can rely on your Soul Family to support your authentic growth.

10. You’ve both had similar life experiences

You and your Soul Family member will discuss topics such as abandonment, abuse, isolation, and other difficulties. Each life theme will be used as a foundation for personal development, advice, and mutual support.

11. Their presence nourishes your Soul

Some people in life seem to weigh heavily on your Spirit, whereas your Soul Family does the opposite. Members of your Soul Tribe will always make you feel seen, understood, loved, and uplifted.

12. With them, you can be your authentic and raw self

There is no need to hide, fake, or pretend to be someone else when you are with your Soul Family. Your Soul Family respects and appreciates the “authentic” you on both a personality and a Soul level.

How to Find Your Soul Family

Where do you go to find members of your Soul Family?

People have asked me this question numerous times, and I, too, have asked it.

But the question isn’t “where” you’ll find them; it’s “how” you’ll find them. The question is instead “when” you will find them. I’ve discovered that there comes a time in your life when you feel a strong pull towards your Soul Family, as if you’re finally ready to meet them. Synchronicity will bring you together when members of your Soul Family reach the same level of readiness.

This inner feeling, however, does not imply that you should sit around, twiddle your thumbs, and go about your business as usual.

You won’t be able to win the lottery unless you buy a ticket! When you feel ready to meet them, you should begin actively seeking the encounter. You must now listen to your intuition or gut feelings rather than your head.

Your mind, full of fears and old habits, will lead you down the path that feels most comfortable and safe – this is the incorrect path.

Listening to your heart is the best way forward.

Certainly, your heart will lead you to venture outside of your comfort zone and experience discomfort. But, in the end, because it is connected to your Soul, your heart knows the way. Most likely, your intuition will lead you to new places and activities you’ve never tried before. For example, you may be guided to form an online meet up group, enroll in a cooking class, begin tai chi, accept a volunteer position, or even travel to an unexpectedly appealing location. You may only meet one member of your Soul Family, or if you’re lucky, you may meet all of them – it doesn’t matter.

What matters is having the experience of meeting others who share your purpose and mission on Earth to help our species’ collective evolution.

I consider myself fortunate to have met so many of my Soul Tribe through this work and website.

I hope that each day brings you closer to other members of your Soul Family.

Have you ever met a Soul Family member? What was your experience like?

Please comment below!

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