Home Consciousness Venus’s Retrograde 2023 Will Bring You Your Sexiest Summer Ever

Venus’s Retrograde 2023 Will Bring You Your Sexiest Summer Ever

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

If you associate the word “retrograde” with miscommunication, technology glitches, and frustrating transportation issues, trust me, you’re not alone. Mercury retrograde, which sets the stage for slowdowns and setbacks, is commonly referred to as the term.

But Mercury is not the only celestial body that appears to move backward (aka retrograde) from our perspective on Earth; it just happens to be the planet we associate most often with chaos because its backward spins occur three to four times a year.

Each planet goes retrograde on its own timeline, necessitating introspection and revision in the areas of life that it governs. So, if you’ve been wanting to rethink your relationships, business ventures, or approach to beauty, you’re in luck because Venus will be retrograde in the fixed fire sign Leo from July 22 to September 3.

Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, goes retrograde every 18 months, so this is the first Venus retrograde since the previous one ended on January 29, 2022. Read on for more information on Venus’ retrograde, as well as how the planet of romance and beauty will affect each astrological sign as it moves backward in 2023.

What Does Venus Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

To get a sense of how a retrograde will affect you, consider how the planet functions when it is moving forward (aka “direct.”) When Venus is direct, it affects how you relate to others, not just romantically, but also platonically and professionally. For example, it influences your flirting style. It will also shape how you experience pleasure, what you value, how you make and spend money, and what you find aesthetically appealing. When Venus moves direct, it conducts all of its business in an outward, action-oriented manner.

Venus retrogrades, on the other hand, encourage us to prioritize introspection and revision in the areas of relationships, pleasure, money, and beauty. It is also worth noting that its transits are far more intense than, say, a Uranus retrograde, which lasts months and involves an outer, “transpersonal” planet. The general rule is that the closer a planet is to Earth, the more we notice its movements.

Another factor to consider is the house of your birth chart. Venus is traveling backwards while retrograde in Leo. This can indicate where the retrograde will manifest itself in your life. For example, if Leo rules your first house of self, this retrograde will prompt you to reconsider your sense of self and your personal brand/how you present yourself to the world. Because the first house opposes the seventh house of partnership (meaning the two houses are on the same axis, acting like two sides of the same coin), you may need to consider how you show up in relationships and how others show up for you.

When Is Venus Retrograde 2023, and How Can You Prepare For It?

Venus has been direct since January 2022, but on July 22, the planet of love and beauty will turn retrograde, moving backward through fixed fire sign Leo until September 3, 2023. Although Venus only spends about one month in each sign, its time in Leo will be extended due to the retrograde, making for a summer filled with Leo’s brand of passionate, loyal, and confident romance. However, while retrograde is in effect, you may feel compelled to rewind — whether that means doing self-work around your love language, going down memory lane with your S.O., or reimagining your love life.

Here are a few ideas for preparing for and making the most of this transit:

1. Check in with yourself

Leo is ruled by the sun, which governs identity and confidence in astrology, and is self-centered and self-possessed. While this can be taken to extremes, this energy can be directed toward increasing self-awareness and forging a stronger sense of self. Devoting time to either of these endeavors can help foster healthier relationships. After all, knowing yourself means knowing what you’re worthy of and what you won’t tolerate. This Venus retrograde can be especially beneficial for exploring these themes and healing related wounds, which could eventually lead to feeling more confident and deserving of satisfying, reciprocal relationships.

2. Develop your artistic voice

Creative Leo is associated with the fifth house of romance and self-expression, so with the planet of beauty transiting the fire sign, you may be more inclined to express yourself creatively. Sign up for a class that allows you to strengthen creative skills you haven’t used in a long time to set yourself up for Venus retrograde success. Pick up a project you put on the back burner; you might find you can now finish it with a fresh perspective.

3. Rethink self-promotion

Because Leo is one of the zodiac’s chief masters of claiming the spotlight, with Venus moving backward through the sign of the lion, you’ll want to reconsider how you present yourself publicly and reflect on ways you could be a more effective leader in your own life.

How the 2023 Venus Retrograde Will Affect the Zodiac Signs

People with their sun, rising sign, or other astrological placements in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will undoubtedly feel the effects of Venus retrograde more strongly than others. (If you want to be even more specific, see if any of your birth chart placements fall between 12 and 28 degrees of a fixed sign — if so, you’ll feel this retrograde more strongly than most.) However, here is a general overview of how the Venus Retrograde in 2023 will affect all zodiac signs.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The retrograde of Venus falls in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, Aries, making you the sign most likely to receive visits from ghosts of past flirtations. Keep in mind that resurfacing exes or old flings isn’t always a green light to pick up where you left off. It’s a chance for introspection and possibly learning a lesson about defending what you deserve. At the same time, you have the opportunity to delve deeply into introspection and self-work, which could lead to feeling more creatively fulfilled and making more room in your life for fun and pleasure.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, Venus will be retrograde in your fourth house of home life, emphasizing your relationships with family members and what you value most about your domestic sphere. It’s time to reconsider where you live on the grounds, not just how much money it costs you, but also how much pleasure and peace it brings you. You’ll also be thinking about family ties. It’s possible that reconnecting with loved ones is the best way to make the most of this transit — or that you’re revisiting certain boundaries that, when held, are best for everyone involved.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Gemini, the planet of beauty, romance, and pleasure will retrograde in your third house of communication. This is the zone associated with your sign, so it’s terrain you’re familiar with and at ease with. While your social life is usually on fire, Venus’s retrograde here will encourage you to be more deliberate with your time and energy. It’s possible that you’ve been saying “yes” to people who wouldn’t necessarily do the same for you, and you’ll have the opportunity to reassess these bonds and set new boundaries to protect your mental — and, by extension, emotional — well-being throughout this transit.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Venus’ retrograde will fall in your second house of income, Cancer, so this transit will be all about rethinking your relationship with money and your relationships that are related to moneymaking. It’s possible that you’ve been spinning your wheels on a project that’s not giving you enough — either financially or in terms of recognition. Or you’re realizing that you’re using your skills for a purpose that doesn’t align with your own. Essentially, now is your chance to listen to your heart when it comes to earning, as it may ultimately lead you down a more successful path.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Venus is retrograde in your first house of self, Leo, which may sound like a bad thing, but it’s actually a fantastic opportunity to reinvent yourself. You could be experimenting with a website, resume, or social media makeover. Essentially, you have the opportunity to change how you present your personal brand and how you appear in the world. Because the first house is conjunct the seventh house of partnership, you’ll be thinking about the dynamics of one-on-one relationships and how you might want to tip the scales to feel more satisfied.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Venus is retrograde in your spiritual twelfth house, clouding your normally rational, clear vision of what you want. Forecasts for your romantic life, money, and relationships may all feel hazy. Though you may want to keep your finger on the pulse of these — and really, all — aspects of your life in order to plan ahead, make time now for self-exploration, journaling, meditation, and magic. The more you can sit in the unknown and watch how everything unfolds, the better for your spirit.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your ruler, Venus, will be moving backward through your eleventh house of networking, Libra, which means that old friends and colleagues may appear out of nowhere to reconnect. You might discover that resuming a previously abandoned group project is both satisfying and productive. At the same time, this is an opportunity to reconsider the groups, communities, and platonic relationships for which you wish to volunteer.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This Venus retrograde, Scorpio, falls in your 10th house of career and public image, nudging you to reconsider how you approach big picture goals and making a name for yourself in your professional sphere. You may discover that an aspiration you once held in high regard no longer aligns with your values the way it used to. As a result, you may be inspired to reconsider the best way to make your mark — and with whom you’ll collaborate to get there.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Venus, the planet of romance, will retrograde through your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, allowing you to take a step back and reset your belief systems. Because you are so invested in your beliefs, you may be disappointed by this desire to reconsider. That’s why you should rely on friends or family members to talk through your big picture ideas. You could emerge from this transit with even more clarity about what you want to devote your energy to.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, the last Venus retrograde was in your sign and first house of self, but this one is activating your eighth house of emotional bonds and shared resources, which should give you a very different vibe. You should think about the best way forward with certain joint financial projects, such as taxes, investments, and real estate. However, because this zone is about intimacy and sex, you should also make time to address your physical and emotional needs. Exploring this critical aspect of your overall well-being can leave you feeling more empowered and inspired.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Because Venus is retrograde in your seventh house of partnership, Aquarius, your one-on-one connections are very much in the spotlight right now. You can think about what you bring to the table as a partner and what you get out of your relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or professional. Communicating your needs and listening to others’ may be the key to feeling more satisfied — and seen — in these critical relationships.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, this Venus retrograde affects your sixth house of routine and wellness. You have the opportunity to rethink how you care for yourself. Part of that may entail identifying what you want and need from loved ones and friends on a daily basis and then making that clear. This retrograde’s Leo energy can motivate you to advocate for more reciprocal relationships and equal work loads. Your confidence — and sense of inner balance — may soar before fall.

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