Home Consciousness July 2023 Astrology Through Dates: Big, Bold, Direct Energies

July 2023 Astrology Through Dates: Big, Bold, Direct Energies

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Welcome July!!!

The Lunar Nodes will change signs in July 2023, and Venus will station retrograde.

All of this cosmic energy creates a tipping point in our year’s energy. We may require more patience, and the desire to pause and reflect may increase.

With Venus in retrograde, we may be drawn to matters of the heart, and we may notice a spotlight shining on the relationships in our lives. There may be some difficult things revealed, but we are also given the opportunity for a deeper heart awakening.

July may feel a little heavy as a result of this, but the Universe is here to support you and offers some lighter vibrations as well.

The Lunar Nodes changing signs is a good time to reflect on any healing work you’ve done in the last 18 months. Around this time, you may also experience a natural sense of culmination or completion.

Earlier in the month, the Sirius Gateway is also a high vibrational time that allows for gratitude, awakenings, and healing.

July is an excellent time to go with the flow, with all of the cosmic energies flowing this month and an increasing number of retrograde planets in our sky. Keep your expectations in check and strive to be your best self every day.

Things may feel rocky at times, but if we allow ourselves to flow, we might just find ourselves in territory that is ideal for where we need to be.

The following are your key astrology dates for July:

July 2023 Astrology

:: July 2- Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Venus is currently in shadow, preparing to retrograde later this month. We may begin to gain insight into what Venus Retrograde is asking us to let go of around this time. Because Uranus can be a volatile presence here, it’s possible that what we’re letting go of isn’t what we expected. If a certain relationship in your life is rumbling around this time, the full picture will most likely emerge as Venus progresses through her retrograde journey.

:: July 3 – Capricorn Full Moon

The Capricorn Full Moon reminds us that we can accomplish difficult tasks! This Full Moon will provide us with the motivation, determination, and drive to meet any current challenges. While there is some heavy energy surrounding this Full Moon, we have the support of the Universe on our side to overcome any heaviness. There is potential for great success here if we rise to any challenges that may arise. Capricorn’s grounding vibrations will also remind us to bring stability into our lives, whether that is by setting boundaries, sticking to a schedule, or simply stepping up and taking more responsibility for our actions. If you are facing some difficult challenges or struggles in your life, this Full Moon will illuminate a path for you; all you have to do is show up.

:: July 4- Sirius Gateway

This is one of the year’s most incredible cosmic events! The Sun will align with Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, on July 4/5, activating a gateway of high-frequency energy. Many different cultures regard Sirius as a very important star. It has an extremely high vibration that has been supercharged and is available to us through this gateway. Sirius illuminates freedom and intelligence while amplifying our psychic energies. Sirius is also thought to be home to an extremely advanced alien race known for their psychic abilities and intelligence, particularly when it comes to technology. Sirius emits a brilliant blue light that we can direct down and into our bodies. This blue light has the ability to raise our vibration, inspire us with innovative ideas, and activate a sense of freedom in our lives. This is an excellent day to set intentions, meditate, and cleanse our energy field.

: July 10- Mars in Virgo

The fiery planet of action, energy, and motivation enters Virgo, which is earthy, grounded, and healing. Mars in Virgo is excellent for getting motivated to improve your health and well-being. This is an excellent time to nurture yourself, practice a lot of self-care, and take action steps to improve your health. Mars in Virgo can be extremely driven and independent, which is great, but it is also a good reminder that it is okay to ask for help. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

:: July 17- Cancer New Moon

The Cancer New Moon encourages us to nourish our souls and remember what is truly important to us. Cancer is a sensitive energy, but it is also a courageous and brave energy. It takes courage to stand up for ourselves, to listen to our hearts, and to follow our instincts. We may also feel a surge of new energy during this Cancer New Moon. This will be exacerbated by the Moon’s Nodes changing signs on the same day. As the Lunar Nodes enter new zodiac signs, we may feel a culmination of their lessons and a welcoming to a new beginning. The Cancer New Moon also contains powerful healing energy, allowing us to feel a little more at ease with whatever difficulties are manifesting in our lives.

:: July 17- Lunar Nodes Change Signs

This is one of the most significant cosmic events of the year! Every 18 months, the Lunar Nodes shift signs, determining which signs we will experience Eclipses in. The Lunar Nodes are calculated mathematical points between the Sun and Moon. They are linked to our fate and destiny in astrology. There is a North Lunar Node that represents our future and where we are going, and a South Node that represents our past and past life experiences. The Lunar Nodes have been in Taurus and Scorpio for the last 18 months, and each of us would have had lessons to learn during this time. The lessons are now finished, and the Nodes are shifting to Aries and Libra. The North Node will fall in Aries, indicating where we should focus our collective attention. We should be focused on moving forward, being independent, connecting with our fiery nature, and being our own unique trailblazers with the North Node in Aries. The South Node will fall in Libra, indicating what we need to build on while also shifting away from in order to continue growing. We are called to honor the partnerships we have formed, how we have fought for justice, and how we have learned to cooperate with the South Node in Libra. But now is the time to apply this knowledge to more Aries themes. It remains to be seen how the Lunar Nodes manifest their magic and lessons, but with each Eclipse, we will get a little closer to figuring out what insights and lessons this new cosmic placement has in store for us. Keep an eye on this space! There will be more on the Lunar Nodes in the future.

:: July 21- Sun Opposite Pluto

Pluto returned to Capricorn on June 11 after being in Aquarius since March. Pluto is now in Capricorn, exactly opposite the Cancer Sun. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, has been transiting Capricorn since 2008. This is an excellent time to reflect on any deaths and rebirths you have experienced since this time. Your life has clearly changed since then, but who are you now? What distinguishes you? This is an excellent time to lean in and reflect on your metamorphosis process, particularly on issues concerning how you hold your power, structures and establishments, and what makes you feel grounded.

:: July 22- Venus Retrograde

This is yet another significant cosmic event of the year! Venus will be retrograde in Leo until September 3rd. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, beauty, money, and material possessions. As it stations retrograde, all of these issues rise to the surface to be addressed, especially if there are issues that need to be addressed. Venus in Leo is a fun, playful, and social energy, so while there will be some hard work here, it should feel a little lighter hearted! Because Leo is a very heart-centered sign, we can almost guarantee that we will all experience some sort of heart awakening during this time. Something must be cleansed and removed in order for us to awaken and open our hearts on a deeper level. We may have to make difficult decisions or go through some painful realizations, especially when it comes to our relationships and how we choose to operate within them.

:: July 22- Leo Season Begins

The Sun exits watery, sensitive Cancer and enters fiery, heart-driven Leo. We can expect to feel more energized and vibrant as the Sun enters Leo. We may feel more social and inspired to lead from the heart. While Leo Season brings us fiery passion and inspiration, with Venus Retrograde on the same day, we may also feel a little sensitive, particularly in our relationships. Our self-esteem might be low, or we might be conflicted about how we feel about someone. A conflict with another person may also arise, which we find difficult to deal with. However, Leo Season will illuminate our path and serve as a reminder to follow our own inner compass. Leo is associated with light, and as long as we continue to show up for ourselves with our lights shining brightly, we will find our way.

:: July 23- Chiron Retrograde

Chiron, the wounded healer asteroid, has gone retrograde. Chiron is associated with our wounds and traumas. These are the kinds of wounds that stick with us forever, molding and changing the way we interact with the world. Chiron encourages us to see our wounds as powerful portals of self-discovery and to discover our inner healer, teacher, and guide through our own wounding. As Chiron moves retrograde, it can bring to light old wounds that need to be addressed. Chiron does this so that we can discover the power they have to offer.

:: July 27- Mercury in Leo Conjunct Retrograde Venus in Leo

In Leo, Mercury and Venus are both retrograde. This alignment indicates that it is time to talk or have discussions with loved ones about issues that are bothering you. Healing may occur as a result of the words that are spoken. Alternatively, today is a good day to journal and reflect on issues that are bothering you. You might just get a wave of clarity after that.

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