Home Consciousness 8 Ways to Clear Your Bad Karma & Live With a Clean Slate

8 Ways to Clear Your Bad Karma & Live With a Clean Slate

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Even good karma can create bad karma.

Everyone wants to know how to get rid of bad karma but isn’t sure what that entails. I was born and raised in India, where I was exposed to the concept of karma in everyday conversation.

However, karma has a slightly different meaning in the Western world.

What exactly is bad karma?

Negative karma is generated by negative thoughts, actions, emotions, and intentions, which result in negative behavior. When you say or do something in haste without being mindful, this is referred to as bad action, and it results in bad karma.

When the earth shakes slightly and one snowflake becomes dislodged, it starts rolling downhill, attracting other loose snowflakes. This eventually leads to an avalanche.

One negative thought, word, or action attracts other “like” energy particles, and you soon find yourself directly in the energy field of bad karma.

In Sanskrit, karma refers to the results of your actions. The term in Buddhism is Kamma.

Buddha articulated it as the laws of causality, which state that every cause causes an effect, and the effect causes another effect.

In physics, this is known as “cause and effect.” According to Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of physics, “every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

The proverb “as you sow, so you reap” alludes to karma in Christianity. When you sow a seed, the plant that grows from it bears many fruits, each of which contains one or more seeds. Some plants produce fruit for an extended period of time.

Is it possible for karma to be both good and bad?

It’s important to remember that karma can be both good and bad.

A yogi’s or spiritual aspirant’s ultimate goal is to purge themselves of both good and bad karma. Because good karma is the result of good actions, and every action leads to another, good karma can result in bad karma.

For example, you may come across people who have a large number of friends but still feel lonely. You may notice people with a lot of money dealing with legal issues or difficulties in areas such as health, relationships, peace of mind, and so on.

Can you reverse bad karma?​

Getting rid of karma is difficult, but it is possible for those who are sincere.

Sadhana (intentional practice) is used by Hindus to counteract the effects of negative karma. Spiritual leader Amma Sri Karunamayi says “Through your Sadhana, you create a positive force field that could minimize your negative karma of a mountain into a pebble or a dust particle.”

Consider your karma as bad breath as a good starting point.

To have fresh breath, you must brush your teeth, scrape your tongue, and rinse your mouth, don’t you? You may have bad breath even if you haven’t eaten in a while or are fasting. This is produced by your gums, food pipe, and stomach.

That’s how Karma works. It is the result of previous lives and generations. You may inherit the karma of your ancestors if your parents and ancestors before them did something unwholesome.

If you entertained unwholesome thoughts, words, or actions in a previous life, karma will catch up with you. As a result, accept responsibility for your actions. If you’ve done something wrong, make it right.

For example, if you have offended someone, apologize. Fill your life with love, kindness, and understanding, and your bad karma will be reversed sooner or later.

What are the signs of bad karma?

There are several indicators of bad karma, ranging from trying to please everyone to feeling afraid to having a terrible attitude. If you are wallowing in negative thoughts, this is one of the most obvious signs that you have bad karma.

Other signs include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Negativity
  • Laziness
  • Feeling entitled
  • Overthinking

How to Get Rid of Bad Karma

If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of bad karma, these guidelines should be your first step on a new path.

1. Identify your karma.

When trying to get rid of bad karma, the first step is to identify it. Determine the source of the problem before attempting to devise a solution.

Do you notice any trends? If this is the case, break them and break the karmic cycle you may be creating.

2. Do a daily spiritual cleanse.

Focus on a spiritual cleanse each night before bed as you begin your journey to free yourself from all karmic debts, whether good, bad, or ugly.

A prayer is said during the spiritual cleansing ritual. It is most effective if you write it out every night for at least 40 days while also speaking it out loud. After 40 days, you can say it aloud to keep the momentum going.

The following two prayers are from the Vedic scriptures:

Prayer#1: “With my body, speech, mind, senses, intellect, self-effort or natural tendencies, through these actions I perform, I dedicate everything to the Universe and ask the fruits of all actions be dissolved into the cosmos.”

Prayer#2: “With a prayerful and humble heart, I ask my creator to forgive me for any action undertaken by me with my hands, feet, speech, ears, eyes, through my body and my mind. Also, I ask for forgiveness for doing required deeds incorrectly and not doing what is necessary.”

3. Practice forgiveness regularly.

When in doubt, pray, “Forgive me, for I do not know what I do.” This prayer can be used whenever you feel stuck, lost, overwhelmed, or any other negative emotion rising within you.

If you feel like someone around you is acting out and negatively impacting you or anyone in your space, repeat to yourself as many times as you need to: “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”

4. Focus on balance.

The universe is always striving for equilibrium. Positive or negative energy cannot exist in isolation. Every positive force must be balanced by an equal and opposite negative force.

When someone who engages in negativity convinces you to focus on positivity, a balance is restored. So, in the end, bad karma isn’t entirely negative.

Before the energy can be transmitted to the environment, your prayer must first help you. Your positive action negates the negative impact of someone else’s bad karma. So, to answer the question, “Is bad karma bad?” I’d say, “No.”

5. Focus on peace and contentment.

Your good fortune is a result of past lives’ thoughts, words, and actions, as well as those of your ancestors. Give thanks for every pleasant experience. Share your blessings with those you meet on a daily basis.

This clears your karmic debts. When you live in gratitude, you redeem yourself from both bad and good karma. You gain self-control, experience personal freedom, and live a happier life.

Generosity starts with the heart. You learn to treat others as you would like to be treated.

6. Think introspectively.

Bad times are excellent times to reflect and accept responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions. You discover how you attracted negative karma through honest self-reflection. You made decisions that led to your affliction.

Your losses as a result of bad karma are the cost of learning the lessons you need to learn. When you become wiser, you make different choices that alleviate the pain of bad karma and ensure you never attract it again. Having a personal spiritual mentor is also beneficial.

7. Cut toxic people out of your life.

Getting rid of toxicity in your life is a sure way to get rid of bad karma. This includes any bad apples you may have in your midst.

It’s time to cut ties with those who are causing you problems and giving you bad advice. These people could be encouraging your bad behavior. It is critical that you surround yourself with people who promote harmony and positivity.

8. Take responsibility for your actions.

Taking responsibility for your actions is another simple way to try to get rid of bad karma. Correct any errors you have made. If you have offended someone, please apologize. Change your behavior to be more positive and kind.

Make an effort to ensure that your family members do good rather than harm, or you may adopt their bad karma. Begin by auditing your past mistakes and accepting the fact that you did make mistakes and must correct them.

Recognize that negative thoughts lead to negative behavior, which leads to negative karma. You get back what you put forth.

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