Home Consciousness North Node Meaning in Astrology: Fulfill Your Destiny & Discover Your Purpose

North Node Meaning in Astrology: Fulfill Your Destiny & Discover Your Purpose

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It symbolizes your highest potential.

We were all born to do great things in this life. However, your true intention may not be immediately apparent. Many of us need time and a lot of trial and error to figure out what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives here on Earth. Fortunately, researching the meaning of the North Node is a shortcut to discovering and comprehending your soul purpose. After all, it gives you a taste of what you’ve come here to learn.

We are preparing for a major shift as the North Node enters Aries on July 17 and the South Node enters Libra. When the North Node enters a new zodiac sign, it ushers in a new era of growth and destiny, forcing us to learn new things and break free from limiting patterns. Because Aries is a sign associated with courage, independence, self-assertion, and identity, this new era, which will last until January 2025, will coax you out of your shell and throw you your own “coming out” party. The South Node in Libra, on the other hand, will encourage you to let go of people-pleasing tendencies and to free yourself from relationships that stifle your ability to express yourself.

The highest and lowest points of the moon’s orbit (where the moon’s orbital path crosses the sun’s orbital path, otherwise known as the “ecliptic”) are represented in everyone’s birth chart. While the highest point, the North Node, directs you toward your ultimate destination, the lowest point, the South Node, tells the story of your soul’s past. In other words, the North Node represents what you’re meant to accomplish in this life, whereas the South Node represents what you’re carrying over from previous lives.

Because your soul purpose is incredibly unique and specific to your karmic journey, the cosmos has a very different definition of success than we do. Some of us were born to change the world and make our mark. Some of us were simply born to make life a little easier. In either case, your spiritual mission is important and necessary. The purpose of your current incarnation is frequently directly related to what happened in your previous lives, which are represented by your South Node. If you’ve spent the majority of your previous lives mastering a particular aspect of life, you’ll most likely incarnate in the hopes of challenging yourself and balancing your karma by making different choices.

That being said, the North Node is not something you should follow or work toward. Your fate is inevitable regardless of your planning or preparation, and it is activated during a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. You can have faith that your purpose has always been promised to you because the North Node and South Node are directly linked to the changes that occur during eclipse season.

In order to fully understand your destiny and life purpose, you must also consider the astrological house of your North Node. Look for any aspects that your North Node might be forming with other planets in your birth chart. Before I go any further, here’s what you were born to do in this life, according to your North Node’s zodiac sign:

How To Find Your North Node & Discover Your Destiny

North Node in Aries

You didn’t come here to be in someone else’s shadow; you came here to shine in your glory and independence. Because your South Node is in Libra, the sign of harmony and partnership, you have spent many of your past lives sacrificing your dreams and desires in order to keep the peace or tend to the needs of your partner. You came here to learn how to stand on your own two feet, to assert your dominance, and to have the courage to take up space. There’s a good chance you struggled as a child to stand up for yourself and own your power. That is why you should always seize the opportunity to express yourself and confront conflict head-on. As an Aries North Node, you’ve come to learn how to say “I” confidently, because your thoughts matter, even if they disrupt the energy in the room.

You could easily become a great leader as an Aries North Node. You could also be a successful solo artist, independent contractor, or brand ambassador. You were meant to be seen and recognized for your unique abilities. It’s past time to stop letting others take credit for your work.

North Node in Taurus

You were created to build a beautiful, content, and stable life for yourself. As a Taurus North Node, your destiny is to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make a life for yourself. You’ve come to learn how to become financially independent and self-sufficient rather than living life on someone else’s terms. You’ve spent many previous lifetimes dealing with loss in all of its forms, particularly loss of money, love, and relationships. As a Scorpio South Node, you may have had previous lives with family members, lovers, or spouses who felt entitled to your time, energy, and resources. You may be accustomed to people infringing on your rights and persuading you to give up your liberty in the name of security.

As a North Node in Taurus, you’re here to set yourself free from unhealthy energetic attachments by learning how to provide for yourself. You have the power to become extremely wealthy in this life, especially if you’re willing to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get the job done. Your efforts have a direct impact on your bank account.

North Node in Gemini

If you were born with your North Node in Gemini, you came here to learn how to be a better human. Let us not forget that Gemini is the only zodiac sign represented by people (the “twins”). Gemini rules over local affairs, close friends, and neighborhoods in astrology, which is why North Node Gemini people spend much of their lives figuring out where they want to settle down and how they can make a difference in their local community. Because your South Node is in Sagittarius, your past lives may have taken you to faraway lands and encouraged you to travel. You could have been a teacher, a philosopher, or an explorer who desired to travel the world. You’re now ready to become a more visible presence in your own town or community.

If your North Node is in Gemini, you’re destined to become known for your public speaking, social life, and ability to express the inexpressible. Gemini’s strength comes from their creativity and intellect, so you have a good chance of becoming a well-known writer or artist. However, this does not always imply that communication has been your strong suit, because North Node in Gemini people must learn how to communicate in a logical manner and to stop shifting to “big-picture thinking” when the details feel too complex to process. Reduce the intensity and simplify the logistics.

North Node in Cancer

You were meant to embrace your more emotional, feminine, and maternal side in this life. As a Cancer North Node, you were born to know what it’s like to truly care for someone and be cared for in return; to build and nurture the home you’ve always wanted. Because your South Node was born in Capricorn, your previous lives may have involved a lot of heavy lifting, protecting, and executing. You may have spent many lifetimes providing for your family, which has caused you to compartmentalize your emotions in order to accumulate wealth, protect your assets, and complete your tasks. As a result, working hard becomes second nature to you. Because you’re already so good at it, it may be your instinct to work hard and stick to the corporate grind.

However, if you are a Cancer North Node, your soul is learning to master something other than success and elevated public standing. Instead, you want a stronger connection to your roots, a beautiful family unit, genuine heartfelt friendships, and the sensation of your heart growing bigger and bigger.

North Node in Leo

Congrats! If your North Node is in Leo, your entire life mission is to simply enjoy yourself, be confident, and have fun. It’s that easy! And yet, it’s so complicated that it takes a lifetime to figure out how to do it. Because your South Node is in Aquarius, you’ve spent many of your previous lives putting yourself last in order to serve others. You’ve made far too many decisions that benefit the collective rather than yourself. You may have been a selfless and revolutionary humanitarian, but choosing that path required you to sacrifice your own ambitions for the sake of something bigger than yourself. You’re now prepared for the internal revolution, because this life is all about healing and releasing your inner child.

That is why you should not feel guilty whenever something good happens to you. After all, your North Node is in Leo, which means you’re destined for a life of art, romance, and self-expression. Keep in mind that Kim Kardashian’s North Node is in Leo, so keep that in mind. You have the potential to become famous or to push artistic boundaries in such a way that your life and legacy will be remembered. Be yourself, darling. That’s the end of it.

North Node in Virgo

If your North Node is in Virgo, you came here to be as grounded, hardworking, and useful as possible. Virgo is the sign of service, encouraging you to take on roles that correct societal errors and heal wounds that have begun to fester. You could easily work as a nurse or caregiver, but you could also work as a scientist, editor, technician, or inventor. Whatever you achieve, you will be meeting a critical societal need in a way that is both practical and meaningful on a physical level.

Being in the present moment, on the other hand, is not always easy for you. You’ve spent many of your past lives, with your South Node in Pisces, pushing the boundaries of your spirituality and reaching high levels of psychic awareness. Because of your inherent connection with the spirit world, you may be dreamy, imaginative, and idealistic; someone who would rather focus on what could be than what is. Because your North Node is in Virgo, this life is all about learning to balance your spiritual and physical manifestations. In other words, daydreaming about your achievements is great, but working hard to achieve them is even better.

North Node in Libra

You came to this life as a North Node in Libra to learn how to be a better partner, friend, and lover. Relationships are likely to be the most important aspect of your life, especially if they push you out of your comfort zone or teach you the value of teamwork. You’ve spent many of your previous lives on your own because your South Node was born in Aries. You were probably a leader who stood alone and couldn’t relate to others. You might have been a lone wolf or a rogue shark, making selfish and avoidant decisions that prevented you from forming healthy bonds with others.

Because your North Node is in Libra, you’re fighting for others in this life, as Libra is a zodiac sign that values justice and defending the underdog. In this life, you’d make an excellent lawyer or mediator. Instead of focusing on your own comfort and familiarity, you’re willing to make sacrifices for the sake of someone else’s needs. You were born with the desire to love, care for, and/or work with someone through all of life’s difficulties and ups and downs. Prepare for long-term relationships, especially marriage and/or business partnerships, to be a major source of excitement in your life.

North Node in Scorpio

You came here to unravel the mysteries of the Universe. Why else would you have been born while the North Node was in Scorpio? This spiritual and transformative zodiac sign is all about going deeper and transcending physical and/or material reality. That means you need more than just money and security to be happy. You want something more potent; something that gives you more control over your time and how you spend it. Because you were born with your South Node in Taurus, your previous lives provided you with wealth and access, indicating that you’ve mastered the art of financial stability and proximity to luxury. Now? Your soul has had enough of focusing solely on material pleasures. You’ve already been there and done that.

You were born with the desire to live, love, and lose because your North Node is in Scorpio. You’ve come to work to live rather than work to live. You could spend your entire life making financial and emotional investments and bets. These investments will teach you the value of embracing the unknown. The North Node wants you to take a chance on something big; to open your heart to something—or someone—because the fall will be worth it.

North Node in Sagittarius

Are you prepared to travel the world? Are you willing to spread your ideas far and wide? Prepare to spend your life exploring the vast unknown because you were born while the North Node was in Sagittarius. This mutable fire sign is all about the big picture and the overall message. That’s why so much of life is about getting out of your comfort zone, leaving your hometown, and seeing what the rest of the world has to offer. Because your South Node is in Gemini, you may have dominated the social scene in your hometown in previous lives. You’ve probably made a lot of friends, participated in a lot of local projects, and maybe even gotten involved in politics. However, it also means you’re used to getting caught up in drama that isn’t yours to deal with and becoming bogged down by local community affairs and the shady details that constantly waste your time.

You’re finding the courage to bring big ideas to the table and push the boundaries of the conversation in this life. You may be way ahead of your time, and that’s perfectly fine. While your South Node in Gemini may lead you to say what you believe others want to hear, your North Node in Sagittarius wants you to delve into people’s imaginations and encourage them to embrace a more open mind. Don’t be afraid to be outspoken.

North Node in Capricorn

Prepare to work hard and advance in your career because you were born while the North Node was in Capricorn. This disciplined and ambitious zodiac sign is directing you to become the provider and protector; someone who can get the job done and excel as a leader, particularly in the career and business world. However, this does not make it easy to see yourself as a dominant force in public. Because your South Node is in Cancer, you’ve most likely spent many of your previous lives as a caregiver, wife, mother, or nurturer. That is why people feel at ease around you and regard you as a calming presence. But you’re sick of being someone’s mommy because you know you’re capable of so much more.

If you were born with your North Node in Capricorn, you have tremendous career potential. However, it may take you the rest of your life to achieve the success that was always meant to be yours. People born with their North Node in Capricorn may be late bloomers, but when they do, the most beautiful and expensive rose blooms.

North Node in Aquarius

If your North Node is in Aquarius, you were born with a significant spiritual mission. This zodiac sign is all about upsetting the status quo and restoring power to the people, which means you’re destined to make the world a better place! You spent a lot of time in previous lives working on loving yourself. As a South Node in Leo, you have a natural sense of confidence and glamour because you have spent many of your past lives as famous people who were well-liked and sought-after. Self-gratification is satisfying, but you want to accomplish more in this lifetime. You’re ready to let go of extravagance, arrogance, and self-serving behavior because your entire life purpose is to raise others and encourage people to work together to create a future that works for all of us.

As a North Node in Aquarius, you could easily become a revolutionary, a great leader, a people’s representative, or a media trendsetter. You could take on a role that allows you to be a positive change agent for society and the collective. Go for it, because the rest of us rely on you to create a world we want to live in.

North Node in Pisces

If you have the North Node in Pisces, you may be afraid of things that don’t make sense right away. You may initially be hesitant to believe in things that defy logic and lack hard evidence. Because your South Node is in Virgo, you’ve spent many lifetimes learning how to concentrate on the facts. Because you’ve spent your previous lives as someone who solves physical and rational problems, common sense comes naturally to you. People come to you when they need a practical solution. However, you were not born to solve other people’s problems. Instead, you chose this life to learn how to be someone else’s shoulder to cry on. You’re not here to fix the problem; rather, you’re here to learn how to accept it for what it is.

You were born with the North Node in Pisces to embrace the full extent of your love and spirituality. You may have had heartbreaking or paranormal experiences as a child that have haunted and perplexed you ever since. Trying to make sense of these experiences, however, has not provided you with answers, because finding answers is not always the point of life. Accepting your intuition is. Accepting what you can and cannot change is the first step. You have the potential to become a masterful spiritual healer, a groundbreaking artist, and a seeker of truth in the great beyond in this life. You were created to be a link between this world and the next.

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