Home Consciousness The Spiritual Meaning of the August Sturgeon Full Supermoon: Embrace Joy

The Spiritual Meaning of the August Sturgeon Full Supermoon: Embrace Joy

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The August full sturgeon moon 2023 (the first of two this month) is quickly approaching, but where does the name “sturgeon” come from, and what is the spiritual meaning and frequency of this full moon?

Knowing the full moon’s energy allows us to work with it, learn key lessons, and evolve, which is ultimately what our souls came here for.

There were only moons before calendar months, which is how ancient communities gained a sense of time. Looking up at the sky allowed us to track the lunar cycle. Each full moon confirmed a new cycle, which occurs every 29(ish) days. And each full moon was given a name, which was often determined by the season and other events on Earth.

The moon has long served as a guide for women because her cycle mirrors our menstrual cycle (which is also roughly 29ish days long, with four major phases), and she represents the feminine. One of the reasons moon circles and rituals have grown in popularity over the last decade is that women all over the world are rediscovering this ancient feminine wisdom. We’re reconnecting with the sacred rhythms of our bodies and Mother Nature. And as we awaken, we contribute to the awakening of those around us.

Continue reading to find out more about the August full sturgeon moon 2023, its spiritual significance, and how to celebrate it with ritual.

What is the august full sturgeon moon?

The name August full sturgeon moon comes from the sturgeon fish, which has been around for over 100 million years and was traditionally caught in North America’s Great Lakes to feed local communities. They can live up to 150 years and reach a length of 23 feet. Sturgeon is derived from the word “stirrer,” which refers to how they spend the majority of their time at the bottom of lakes, stirring up the earth and searching for food.

However, in August, they rise from the dark depths to the surface, giving rise to the term “sturgeon full moon.” Unfortunately, sturgeon were overfished, and many of their habitats were polluted or destroyed, which is why these fish are so rare and rarely eaten today.

Other names for this full moon include the corn moon or grain moon (because grain is harvested at this time of year) and the red moon (because the late summer can sometimes add a tinge of red to the moon’s glow).

The August full sturgeon moon is also associated with the Celtic/Pagan festival of Lammas (or Lughnasadh), which commemorates the year’s first harvest. This is a time to give thanks for everything that has come your way this year and to begin preparing for the cold, dark nights ahead.

When is the august full sturgeon moon in 2023?

August 2023 will see two full moons, both of which will be supermoons, meaning they will appear larger in the sky and their energy will be magnified.

The first full moon is on August 1st, followed by the second on August 31st. A blue moon occurs when there is a second full moon in a calendar month.

The first august sturgeon full moon

  • LA, United States: August 1st @ 11:31
  • London, United Kingdom: August 1st @ 19:31
  • Sydney, Australia: August 2nd @ 04:31

The second august sturgeon full moon

  • LA, United States: August 30th @ 18:35
  • London, United Kingdom: August 31st @ 02:35
  • Sydney, Australia: August 31st @ 11:35

Click here for the exact time of the August full sturgeon moon 2023 where you live.

What sign is the august full sturgeon moon 2023 in?

The first full sturgeon moon of August will be in Aquarius, with the sun in Leo. This means that the energy of the full moon will be infused with both of these energies.

The second full moon of August will be in Pisces, with the sun in Virgo. This means that the energy of the second full moon will be noticeably different, with Pisces-Virgo undertones.

The spiritual meaning of the august full sturgeon moon

• Harvest what you’ve sown

Because Lammas (August 1st) marks the beginning of harvest season, the August full sturgeon moon is an ideal time to pause and express gratitude for everything in your life (the good, the lessons, and the obstacles that inspire growth). Abundance can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual abundance. Consider how prosperous you are on every level of your being.

Make a list, express gratitude to the Universe, and rejoice.

• Meet your shadows

Shadow work is a powerful practice to engage in at any time, but especially during the full moon, because she illuminates our darkness and exposes our shadows. Sturgeon fish rise from the dark depths of the lakes this time of year, and you may find that old emotions and memories do as well.

These could be experiences you’ve repressed or ignored for a long time because they’re too painful to confront, or you’re unaware they exist. They will continue to cause you pain and prevent you from evolving into your highest self if they are not resolved.

One spiritual meaning of the August full sturgeon moon is to “catch” these thoughts and emotions as they arise in order to confront and heal them. Can you acknowledge your fears and meet your shadows with kindness, empathy, and compassion, even if you feel too small to hold something so great, or if you’re terrified of what awaits you? Can you be open to the lesson and wisdom contained within?

• Shed the old & embrace the new

The sturgeon fish undergoes transformation in August, and the August sturgeon moon allows us to shed old patterns and behaviors and evolve as well. But first, we must be willing to accept and embrace the concept of change, which many of us despise. Are you willing to let go of what no longer serves you in order to become the next version of yourself?

One of the simplest ways to do this is to imagine yourself as the woman you want to be a year, five years, or ten years from now. You can begin making choices that align with her today if you have a clear picture of who she is, how she thinks, speaks to herself, the boundaries she upholds, the relationships she attracts, how she moves through her day, and so on. This is how we bring soul destiny timelines together.

• Connect to ancestral wisdom

The ancient tribes’ connection to this ancient fish reverberates in the August full sturgeon moon. This is an invitation to connect with ancestral wisdom, honor your lineage (both blood and soul lines), and seek guidance from your elders (past and present).

If you have a particularly close relationship with an ancestor, you may want to honor them by displaying a photograph of them on your altar.

• Nurture yourself

This August full moon has a healing, nourishing energy, and the final spiritual meaning of the sturgeon is to devote time to healing, compassion, and self-care.

We can relax and feel safe in our bodies by prioritizing and caring for ourselves. This is critical when doing soul work because it establishes a solid, grounded foundation for dealing with our fears, guilt, shame, and pain.

Nurturing also improves your overall well-being and restores balance and harmony in your life, which is essential for anyone who is overworked, tired, or stressed.

How to work with the August Full Sturgeon Moon energy

Celebrating the moon with a ritual is a wonderful way to connect more with the lunar cycle, your menstrual cycle, and the rhythm of nature. I’ve compiled a list of August full sturgeon moon ritual ideas to get you started. Take what you want and leave what you don’t in order to create a unique and meaningful ceremony.

Here are some august 2023 full sturgeon moon rituals to try at home:

• Decorate your altar – The primary colors associated with the full August sturgeon moon are yellow, gold, red, and orange. Gather whatever you can to decorate your altar, from candles to crystals to sunflowers.

• Relax – Summer can be an extremely active and energetic season. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, use this full moon to unwind. Maybe you’ll take a day off, plan an evening full moon bath ritual, or listen to a yoga nidra.

• Meditate – Meditation is another excellent method for relaxing, grounding, and stilling your thoughts. From here, you can become aware of any emotions that require your attention and then heal them through shadow work.

• Shadow work – The full moon is an excellent time to confront your fears and engage in shadow work. Consider what triggers you, any trauma that continues to affect you, keeping a shadow journal, nurturing your inner child, and even recording and analyzing your dreams.

Celebrate the august full sturgeon moon

I hope this has helped you understand the spiritual significance of the full August sturgeon moon 2023 and inspired you to create your own ritual to commemorate it.

Happy Full Moon!!!

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