Home Consciousness Objects That Have a Big Impact on Your Mood, Energy & Emotions

Objects That Have a Big Impact on Your Mood, Energy & Emotions

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Magical spaces are created not discovered.

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly knew whether you liked it or not? Something other than the obvious elements of style, fashion, and cleanliness?

There is something in a space that speaks to you, even if it is something you sense rather than know.

Let’s go over some fundamentals to better understand why we might get a strong feeling when we enter a room:

  • Objects are everything visible in space.
  • Objects are created by people or nature and contain the essence of their creator.
  • Objects absorb more energies as they are handled and transported to various locations.
  • To maintain high vibrations, only a few objects are energized at the source.

While all of these factors are powerful, not all of them work for everyone all of the time.

Just because something appears to work for someone else does not mean it will work for you. It will not affect you in the same way indefinitely. Indeed, some objects may lose their positive frequency more quickly and easily than others!

Some objects keep their positive frequency for a long time, while others lose it or pick up other, less beneficial frequencies.

There are four types of objects that may trigger strong feelings and reactions, both positive and negative:

• Crystals in the many forms they can be used 

Crystals are commonly used as décor, jewelry, and accessories, but because they are powerful, you must be very intentional and thoughtful when using them. They must be honored and respected at all times.

• Antique furniture (a warning)

Antique furniture is a category with a lot of ‘trouble’ energy. Antique furniture, which has been passed down through generations, appears to carry a lot of emotional baggage from the memories.

• Art, pictures, photos, wall décor and similar items 

Some may inspire you, others may make you smile, while others may make you sad or angry.

• Colors bring their own frequency into a space

The color of drapes, furniture, and other objects influences their frequency depending on where they are placed.

What’s more, these items are most often not willing to be reset energetically.

When you start connecting the dots between these objects and these factors, you begin to understand your own reactions.

It is critical to understand that just because something does not work for you does not mean it will not work for others. However, certain pieces will always be unsuitable for anyone due to the stagnant or heavy energy they contain.

When I tell them whether the objects are supportive or not, they tell me the energies of the objects. “Oh, I always have an odd feeling about that antique bookcase,” they say, or “I’m not sure if this crystal is really working for me — someone just gave it to me and I have no idea what to do with it.”

It is a way of seeing everything as alive and full of life force energies. It makes sense because almost everything can be traced back to nature, right? Everything in nature feels alive, whether it’s a tree, a flower, or even a rock.

I invite you to be more present the next time you walk into a room. Pay attention to all of the different objects, colors, and layouts. Take a moment to take it all in. You’ll be surprised at how much information you’ll begin to gather about the energies.

This is a process that will take time. It’s similar to believing in yourself. It is a muscle that must be exercised and strengthened over time.

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