Home Consciousness This Is How The July Solar Eclipse Will Impact Your Zodiac Sign

This Is How The July Solar Eclipse Will Impact Your Zodiac Sign

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Solar eclipses bring about a fresh start – an internal alteration which is represented by the Moon. This Moon (inner self) takes over or hides the outer world.

On 2nd July, such a major event is going to take place. It will lead to some cosmic energy and turbulence coming your way. Are you ready?

The Cancer season is going on and so, the total Solar Eclipse will occur in Cancer. It can be viewed properly from Argentina, Chile and South Pacific Ocean.

The rest of South America can view the partial eclipse. July tries to bring about a cleansing period of the cosmic patterns – removing all your baggage and giving you closure for the times forward.

The Lunar Eclipse will take place on 16-17th July in the sign of Capricorn. These eclipses will affect almost everyone but people with Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn lunar nodes will have a rough ride.

But, even if you do not, the cardinal signs of Cancer, Aries, Capricorn and Libra will have a bumpy ride ahead too. This is how the zodiac signs will get affected:


You should be more responsible for your parents. You are in for a bumpy ride with some past issues but don’t let stress take over. It is time to work and focus on the strengths that you have so that you can actually get the success you need. You might even have issues with partners and children which you should address now.


Self-care is important – it begins with healing yourself first. There are several significant projects at hand and maybe you do not have enough time to finish them up. Time is precious; use it wisely to make the most of it.


Finances will be your chief focus. There will be gains coming your way – so, start by investing in different business-based opportunities. Invest in the right thing and gain more for yourself.


Personal growth is coming your way. You are seeking for attention but you are also being tested as to how you put boundaries. Go through this test, be victorious and soon enough, your communication and financial issues will be resolved. Start reorganizing your life.


You might come across a situation which will change the way you think about life. There have been blocks but don’t let it influence you greatly. Just be wise so that if you do have luck turning towards you, you could use your wisdom to make the most out of it.


An opportunity is coming your way that can change your life. Maybe a colleague or a friend working in your own network will come up with a fresh project that will be your big break. Be brave and take it up.


It’s time to bring some changes in the professional space. Eclipses are not only beginnings but they are also about endings too. Go past the old and enter the new. The happiness of your future depends on you. However, communication with friends can be a bit difficult.


If you have plans but are not very committed to them, drop them. You are wasting energy. Conserve your time and use it on the important stuff. Plus, try to add some communication with it.


Start budgeting. Your finances will be an issue during this period. Start by saving your assets and try to make more money in the next few months. Attend to your surroundings – maybe a lucky break is coming your way.


This year has been stressful for you – it eggs you towards personal growth. The lunar eclipse furthers the growth. You will adapt the new and you will be ready to bring about changes in your life. Communication will be a bit difficult, especially when you are with partners.


You are entering a change of phase which brings opportunities to your feet. It will be unsettling but cool it down a little bit. If you act, only then will you know how things will go about – so, don’t let the unsettling feeling put you off. On the other hand, don’t start celebrating unless something good happens in actuality.


You have to find your destination. Eclipses will help you move forward with an efficiency that you have never seen before. If you are unsure of something, it might be because your goals are not adequate enough. Start by moving your dreams forward – be communicative. Collaborate with others when projects come in.

You will be changing from the inside during this stage. Time to reflect it on the outside too. Best of luck!

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