Home Consciousness Giant Jupiter Goes Retrograde. How Will This Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

Giant Jupiter Goes Retrograde. How Will This Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Even if astrology isn’t your thing, you’ve most likely heard about Mercury going retrograde (and the panic it causes in otherwise rational people).

However, because Mercury retrograde receives so much attention, you may be unaware that all of the other planets also go retrograde at some point—and each has a unique meaning.

Jupiter, the next planet to go retrograde, will do so on September 4. Mark your calendar now, but in the meantime, learn about how will affect your zodiac sign, because there’s a lot to know.

What does Jupiter in retrograde mean for your zodiac sign?

Overall, you’ll be super enthusiastic and confident in almost every aspect of your life. Um…sweet! Now is the time to apply for that job you’ve been putting off, try that complicated recipe you pinned for “someday,” and ask someone you’ve been eyeing if they want to go on a date right away.

You’ll also find yourself pausing to consider the big picture. What do you really want to achieve, and what are you doing to make it happen? How do you become the best version of yourself?

Jupiter’s retrograde will have an effect on all zodiac signs in some way.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been in your second house of income, bringing in more opportunities to increase your cash flow and laser-focusing your thoughts on how much you’re valued and what you value. But, as it recedes, it’s time to get serious about which long-term goals and money-making projects deserve your attention — and how to make them a reality.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Jupiter has been in your sign since May 16, amplifying your desire to achieve personal goals and make a name for yourself. But, as it moves backward, you’ll have to take a step back and consider whether you’re on track. Are you truly devoting all of your energy to projects and relationships that are a good fit for you? Is it possible to dream bigger, prioritize eye-opening experiences, and hone your skill set in a way that will eventually strengthen your passions and allow you to earn rewards from the activities you value the most? Extra time spent inward can assist you in answering these questions.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Jupiter has been expanding your dreams as it has moved forward in your twelfth house of spirituality since May 16. You prefer to spend your time socializing, learning, researching, and making new connections, but the planet of abundance has encouraged you to slow down, prioritize rest and recharging time, and give more weight to your imagination and unconscious. This will be even more true as it moves retrograde, and you may discover that caring for your inner self as much as you do your social life truly benefits your overall well-being.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been in your eleventh house of networking and aspirations, increasing your opportunities to connect and collaborate with colleagues and friends on common goals. You may also believe that lofty goals you’ve hoped to achieve for years are finally beginning to bear fruit. As the planet of luck moves backward, you’ll have several months to reflect on which team efforts are truly worth your time and which strategies will lead to the fulfillment of your long-term goals.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Since Jupiter has been transiting your tenth house of career since May 16, you’ve been yearning for more big picture projects, leadership opportunities, and, perhaps most importantly, recognition for your efforts. You’ve probably received accolades from superiors or other people you respect and admire, which has been extremely satisfying, but you’re also aware that there’s still work to be done. As Jupiter moves backward there, it’s time to get crystal clear on exactly what you want to accomplish and be recognized for — and how you intend to accomplish it. Checking in with your intuition is essential in all of this.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been transiting your ninth house of adventure, increasing your ability to learn, get out of your comfort zone, pick up new skill sets, and possibly even get your writing or similarly cerebrally-charged projects out into the world. However, as the planet of abundance moves backward, you will turn inward, becoming more adventurous in a self-reflective way. You might have exciting, artistic ideas or have an epiphany about a long-distance trip you want to take. In any case, by listening to your gut, you’ll be able to make your vision a reality in the coming year.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been transiting your eighth house of emotional bonds, shining a spotlight on your most intimate relationships as well as joint resources. This has been an excellent time to learn more about investments, real estate, and other financial projects that you may be considering or pursuing with a loved one. As Jupiter goes retrograde, you’ll have an opportunity to reassess any such endeavors — as well as gain clarity on what kind of physical, mental, and emotional bonding time will be most fulfilling within your most intimate relationships.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Jupiter’s transit through your seventh house of partnership has magnified all of your one-on-one relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or professional. You’ve probably been feeling like you’ve never been happier within your bonds with Jupiter there. While it is retrograde, you have the opportunity to reflect on how you are showing up for others — and how they are showing up for you. Remember that reciprocity is essential.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been transiting your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, expanding your daily hustle. You’ve probably had more work thrown at you, more opportunities to see friends on a regular basis, and a stronger desire to experiment with your health and fitness routine. Because Jupiter, your ruling planet, is retrograde there, you’ll be prompted to consider which commitments are worth your time and which can be dropped. You’re prone to saying “yes” and taking on more, more, more, but you might realize that simplifying your daily life could make you more productive — and joyful.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Since Jupiter entered your fifth house of romance and self-expression on May 16, you’ve been living a lighter, more spontaneous life. You’ve been drawn to artistic pursuits and have become more flirtatious and lighthearted. If you’re single, your dating life may be particularly active, and if you’re attached, you may feel as if you’re falling in love with your S.O. all over again. You’ll have an opportunity to slow down and reimagine what you want this area of your life to look like — now and in the long run — as the great benefic moves backward here. From now on, pleasure may need to take precedence.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Since May 16, Jupiter has been in your fourth house of home life, shining a spotlight on your domestic and inner, emotional world. While it moves backward, you may be questioning recent real estate decisions or considering how past family wishes fit into your current or future vision. This could be a particularly fruitful time to engage in intensive therapy, meditation, or journaling to gain clarity on the path that will best strengthen your sense of security.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Jupiter’s transit through your third house of communication has been active since May 16, emphasizing your social life and curiosity. Your life is extra busy right now, and your calendar may be overflowing as you make plans with friends, neighbors, and siblings, if you have them. Short-distance travel (such as road trips) is also very common while Jupiter is in this zone. However, as it moves backwards here, you’ll have an opportunity to assess whether you’ve been spreading yourself too thin. You might be in need of some R&R and going back to the drawing board to relearn and hone skills you haven’t used in a while.

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