Home Consciousness May Moons 2024: Taurus New Moon & Full Moon in Sagittarius

May Moons 2024: Taurus New Moon & Full Moon in Sagittarius

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In May 2024, we can expect a tranquil New Moon in Taurus and a hopeful Full Moon in Sagittarius.

What significance does this have for us?

What exactly is a New Moon?

During a New Moon, the Sun and Moon align perfectly in the Zodiac, creating a conjunction. New Moons are associated with fresh starts, exude vibrant energy, and inspire enthusiasm.

What exactly is a Full Moon?

During a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon align directly across from each other in the Zodiac, creating an opposition. Full Moons are often associated with the completion of cycles, reaching a peak, and carrying intense emotional energy.

New Moon in Taurus: May 7th/8th 2024 (11:22 p.m. ET/5:22 a.m. CET)

The Taurus New Moon invites you to embrace a sense of relaxation, indulge in life’s pleasures, and take a well-deserved break. We are transitioning from a period of high energy and intensity with the previous Moons, and now it is time to take a step back. We can embrace moments of relaxation and appreciate the value of taking a break without feeling the need to constantly fill our lives with activities. Now is the perfect moment to embrace the present and reconnect with the here and now.

It’s worth considering the financial aspect of Taurus, which can help us identify opportunities to enhance our financial circumstances and make long-term plans. We have the ability to optimize our existing resources and acquire additional resources. By understanding the patterns and influences that shape our lives, we can enhance stability and security. As we cultivate a sense of stability and security, we open ourselves up to greater opportunities for wealth and resources. Between them, there is a mutual influence.

When we make a move, we tend to proceed at a measured and deliberate pace. We have a calm and patient approach, trusting that with careful attention and a systematic approach, everything will fall into place. At first, it may appear that we’re not making much headway, but with time, it can turn out to be quite clever and lead us in the right direction.

We can feel a strong sense of confidence with the Taurus New Moon if we prioritize our sense of security and approach things with a relaxed mindset. If we fail to address certain issues, there is a risk of developing stubbornness and reacting unpredictably due to feelings of insecurity.

The New Moon forms a harmonious connection with Saturn in Pisces, infusing it with a sense of structure and discipline. This alignment encourages us to approach our actions with intelligence and productivity, even if we may not feel particularly energetic or driven to take the initiative. We have the potential to optimize every moment we invest in our work, maintaining a sense of concentration and purpose.

The New Moon occurs at 18 degrees 2 minutes Taurus.

The aspects to the New Moon are:

Conjunction: 16 degrees 2 minutes – 20 degrees 2 minutes Taurus

Sextile: 16 degrees 2 minutes – 20 degrees 2 minutes Cancer or Pisces

Square: 16 degrees 2 minutes – 20 degrees 2 minutes Leo or Aquarius

Trine: 16 degrees 2 minutes – 20 degrees 2 minutes Virgo or Capricorn

Opposition: 16 degrees 2 minutes – 20 degrees 2 minutes Scorpio

Full Moon in Sagittarius: May 23rd 2024 (9:53 a.m. ET/3:53 p.m. CET)

The Full Moon in Sagittarius brings a sense of optimism and positivity, as Sagittarius is known for its joyful nature. Full Moons have a tendency to stir up emotions, but Sagittarius Full Moons prefer not to focus on that aspect. Therefore, let’s harness the positive energy of this Full Moon and steer clear of overly serious matters. We already addressed that matter in the previous month, and now we desire a response from it in May.

Sagittarius rules our beliefs, igniting a fiery passion within us to fiercely advocate for our convictions, both for ourselves and for others. It is important to approach this situation with an open mind and ensure that we are actively listening to avoid potential conflicts. If we are able to achieve this, it can greatly enhance our ability to communicate and foster a deeper sense of understanding.

It is fascinating how Sagittarius holds the power of higher learning, allowing individuals to complete their studies and develop a deep passion for knowledge, education, writing, and public speaking. There will be an increase in travel, particularly by flight, as Sagittarius takes charge. Expect to see more people on the move and exploring new horizons. With this Full Moon, we may witness significant legal developments, as Sagittarius holds sway over matters of the law.

The Full Moon forms a harmonious aspect with transit Pluto in Aquarius, allowing us to harness our passionate energy and cultivate a sense of optimism. We have the power to bring about positive change, and this can be a source of excitement rather than fear. We have the potential to make significant progress towards our goals, even if we encounter some distractions in April.

There is an interesting observation to make about this Full Moon: Venus and Jupiter will be in Taurus, conjunct with each other, while Neptune will be in Pisces. Every Zodiac sign is composed of 30 degrees, with the very last being 29. This is known as the anaretic degree, and it possesses an intense energy that can present challenges when interacting with the transit planets. When Venus aligns with Jupiter, there is usually a sense of joy and positivity. However, it’s important to note that there may be significant changes in Taurus’ finances or resources. These developments could potentially coincide with the Taurus New Moon. After the Full Moon occurs, Venus swiftly transitions to Gemini, prompting us to swiftly shift our attention towards ideas, news, and plans. During times of intense debate, it is important to remember the significance of effective communication, especially under the influence of the Full Moon. With Neptune’s presence, there’s a foggy atmosphere, attempting to obscure things!

The Full Moon occurs at 2 degrees 55 minutes Sagittarius.

Aspects to the Full Moon are:

Conjunction: 0 degrees 55 minutes – 4 degrees 55 minutes Sagittarius

Sextile: 0 degrees 55 minutes – 4 degrees 55 minutes Libra or Aquarius

Square: 0 degrees 55 minutes – 4 degrees 55 minutes Virgo or Pisces

Trine: 0 degrees 55 minutes – 4 degrees 55 minutes Aries or Leo

Opposition: 0 degrees 55 minutes – 4 degrees 55 minutes Gemini

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