Home Consciousness Follow These Dos & Don’ts to Effectively Harness the Energy of the Ultra-Lucky New Moon in Taurus

Follow These Dos & Don’ts to Effectively Harness the Energy of the Ultra-Lucky New Moon in Taurus

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Embrace the energy of Taurus. 

Figuring out the ideal way to commemorate a new moon can sometimes be a bit perplexing. Is it advisable for you to take some time to rest and relax? Would you be interested in keeping a journal and practicing meditation? Feel like giving your apartment a complete makeover? This lunar phase typically emphasizes a particular sign, and this time it’s the dependable and stable Taurus.

The upcoming new moon on May 7th/8th, 2024, at 11:22 p.m. ET/5:22 a.m. CET, holds the potential for a truly invigorating experience. Venus governs Taurus, an earth sign, so remember these vibes as you navigate through the day.

Every new moon presents a wonderful opportunity to manifest, which is definitely something to look forward to. New moons bring a sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings, unlike full moons that mark the completion of the lunar cycle and focus on releasing and moving on.

What you initiate during the new moon—be it a new habit, goal, or vision for the future—will gain momentum in the following weeks and months. The celestial bodies predict that your desires will manifest during the upcoming full moon in Taurus on November 15, marking the completion of this phase.

Continue reading below for the top activities to engage in, as well as the actions to steer clear of, in order to take full advantage of the new moon in Taurus.

The biggest DOS during May’s New Moon in Taurus:

DO: A Rejuvenating Yoga Sequence

Following the fluctuations of Aries season, it will be incredibly satisfying to unroll your yoga mat and gracefully move through a series of poses while taking deep, calming breaths. Engaging in gentle stretching or taking a mindful walk on the day of the new moon may assist in reestablishing harmony between your mind and body. Taurus is known for its strong connection to the physical world, so incorporating relaxation techniques that involve the body would be a beneficial practice to begin during the new moon.

DO: A Swift Spring Cleaning 

There is a certain allure that draws everyone towards cleaning during the springtime. Now is the perfect moment to release what no longer serves you and embrace fresh beginnings, particularly under the influence of this lunar phase.

Given the current alignment of the new moon in Taurus, you may find yourself drawn to the idea of spending an evening in your closet, reflecting on and evaluating your material possessions. If clutter overwhelms you, consider filling a bag with items for donation. It may be helpful to make a commitment to be more selective with your shopping habits in the future.

However, it is not necessary to clean your entire place on Tuesday. It is more beneficial to save that type of chore for a full moon. Consider starting by organizing a drawer to align with the new moon’s energy. If you’re looking to revamp your living space, you might consider giving it a try. It’s important for Taurus to appreciate their surroundings, but be mindful not to take on too much at once, as it may become overwhelming and hinder your ability to complete tasks.

DO: Put Some Money Aside

When it comes to finances, it’s a great idea to take advantage of the new moon energy by establishing regular investments in your savings account. Even a small increase of five dollars per week can accumulate significantly over the course of a year. Set aside a portion of your paycheck and save it consistently.

If you begin immediately, you have the potential to transform it into a substantial amount of money, and the absence of $20 will probably go unnoticed as it gradually becomes a routine. The new moon cycle once again focuses on preparing yourself for future accomplishments, especially those that align with Taurus’ most cherished priorities.

Taurus has a natural affinity for money and is known for its financial prowess. Therefore, now is an opportune moment to exercise your financial savvy.

DO: Establish New Routines

Starting new endeavors during the new moon can have a long-term impact. Take advantage of this opportunity by establishing fresh routines on May 7/8. Consider incorporating habits such as staying hydrated, taking longer walks, or prioritizing rest, depending on your personal needs. Embrace your intentions, stay committed, and allow the power of the new moon to guide you.

During this lunar cycle, you have the opportunity to focus on developing and bringing to life the habits and manifestations you desire. View this new moon as the beginning of a fresh chapter in your life, and revisit your progress in a few months to witness your remarkable growth.

The biggest DON’TS during May’s New Moon in Taurus:

DON’T: Nurture Negative Routines

Given the current lunar phase focused on new beginnings, it may be wise to steer clear of your usual vices, particularly if you’re determined to overcome them permanently. For example, it would not be advisable to resume smoking at this time. If you feel a strong desire, allow it to fade away and opt for a refreshing glass of water or another beverage.

DON’T: Indulge in Impulsive Shopping

Venus is influencing Taurus, so if you recently sorted your closet and found some gaps in it, the new moon might spark a desire for indulgence. Instead of impulsively rushing to your usual online shopping destinations or favorite second-hand shops to accumulate more items, pause for a moment and make a list of the things you desire to purchase gradually. Over time, you should gradually accumulate and acquire these items. By following this approach, you can avoid spending your entire budget in one go.

DON’T: Take On More Than You Can Handle

This new moon focuses on finding balance and healing after the tumultuous events of April 2024. After experiencing the effects of recent celestial events, such as the Mercury retrograde, solar eclipse, and Aries full moon, it seems fitting to embrace a period of relaxation during the upcoming new moon.

To fully embrace the warm and comforting Taurus energy, consider canceling your plans and indulging in a cozy evening at home, complete with a delicious meal. This is a perfect way to align with the grounded and practical nature of earth signs. Indulge in something truly luxurious, such as a delectable dessert. Indulging in delectable cuisine and savoring the pleasures of life is a delightful ritual that would greatly appeal to Taurus during this new moon.

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