Home Consciousness Use the Powerful 555 Activation Code for Massive Energy Upgrade This May 5th

Use the Powerful 555 Activation Code for Massive Energy Upgrade This May 5th

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

555 is what an upgrade looks like. This is when we make a complete shift towards action and positivity. This is what happens when we step into our own zone and access all of the power bestowed upon us.

Letting go of the old is necessary to embrace transformation. This is when we accept our sovereignty as we wake up and accept the quantum changes.

These big changes affect our lives, our dreams, aspirations, careers, etc. We felt isolated from the world until now. We can feel it again.

5 Ways It Is Upgrading

These are five ways our activation code is getting upgraded:

1. Like in the movie ‘Matrix’, we are growing out of the illusion. We can see beyond the illusion, beyond the veil that surrounds us, and actually decipher the truth. We start to accept this truth, which may very well change our lives completely. We ignite the throat and crown chakras to liberate ourselves from this mind control.

2. We are experiencing our own negativity. A fitter body, a fitter lifestyle, a balanced diet, regular exercise, meditation—we are all trying to be more elegant, graceful, and agile. We tend to look younger.

3. As our heart chakra activates, we begin to comprehend the genuine significance of humility, grace, and kindness. The release of root and sacral karma enables us to achieve the love frequency necessary for human growth.

4. When we release our third eye and crown chakra, we gain spiritual knowledge that enables us to connect with the higher realm. We comprehend the multiple dimensions of the universe and manifest ourselves at a higher level of understanding, where we trust our instincts.

5. We learn to be rooted. To never forget where we came from is our chief goal. It is not hiding; it is controlling, understanding, transparent, and balanced.

Everywhere you look, the advice is the same: vampire energies are surrounding you, sucking on your energy. And somewhere down the line, that is stopping you from attaining a higher realm of understanding. It is stopping you from investing the necessary energy and fuel required for you to get to that stage where you can simply pine for success and reach it.

In fact, it is not about success anymore. This is about who you are and what you represent. And unless you get rid of vampires who suck you dry, you will never understand or identify who you are, what is real, and what is not.

Someone who has never seen true happiness and has never removed the blocks from the cosmic journey will never understand what contentment feels like.

So, strip yourself completely of the old, search yourself, and remove everything that affects you negatively, even a little bit. You need to be aware of what you will manifest. And that only comes when you detoxify yourself.

The flow you are currently experiencing is a form of surrender. You have to surrender yourself to the wills of the universe, which means letting the static energy pass through you and taking away all of your fears and anxieties.

Listen to your gut and your solar plexus; that is where you will find true wisdom. Stop surfing with your heart and simply follow your instincts.

555 is the activation of our instincts, responding to the language of numbers, and recognizing synchronicity without allowing negative or toxic thoughts inside. Choose and fight your battles carefully. Embrace the changes that come with it.

The Universe will send just one message: ‘Just Do It’. Align yourself with it and embark on the journey to attain Nirvana.

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