Home Consciousness The Easy-Going May’s New Moon in Taurus Will Put an Accent on Hedonism & Pleasure

The Easy-Going May’s New Moon in Taurus Will Put an Accent on Hedonism & Pleasure

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Prepare for the celestial event as the new moon in Taurus graces the night sky on May 7 at 11:22 p.m. ET (May 8 at 5:22 a.m. CET).

The first new moon of spring follows the total solar eclipse on April 8. This is a moment where we can establish our goals and bring to life the aspirations that will guide us towards the future.

The planets are currently aligned in the zodiac sign Taurus. A stellium occurs when three or more planets gather closely in a single sign. These planets include the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. This collection is filled with a dynamic mix of energies. On one hand, there is a sense of cosmic encouragement guiding us towards our deepest aspirations, as well as a call to contribute to the betterment of humanity. On the contrary, we may find ourselves feeling trapped. Stelliums have a tendency to make us more inflexible and resistant to change, making it difficult for us to embrace new ideas. Thankfully, with the influence of Uranus, we can embrace a new outlook and invite thrilling perspectives into our lives.

By observing the alignment of celestial bodies and their influence on our lives, we can gain valuable insights. The current positioning of Saturn in Pisces indicates that we may face initial limitations. However, it is crucial that we embrace these limitations as opportunities for growth and utilize the wisdom gained from past experiences. While Saturn may sometimes hinder our impulsive decisions, its influence can ultimately be beneficial. Understanding the celestial forces at play gives us the wisdom to make informed decisions that can have a positive impact on our current circumstances and shape our future. Understanding the limits, harnessing our inner instincts, and staying strong in the face of negativity are crucial elements for success. By tuning out distractions and following our intuition, we can find our path to success.

On the day before the new moon, Mercury and the centaur Chiron come together in a conjunction in Aries. This celestial alignment promises great rewards, as it inspires us to release our grip on the past and embark on a new beginning. Keep in mind that Mercury is currently in retrograde shadow, working through any miscommunications that occurred during the retrograde phase and the period leading up to it. This process will continue until May 13. Now is the opportune moment to address and resolve any matters that have arisen since March 18, when Mercury began its retrograde motion. It is now the opportune moment to embrace a fresh perspective and embark on a new path. By addressing the recent past, we can pave the way for growth and prosperity. This lunation presents a wonderful opportunity to release the past and embark on a new beginning. Similarly, we can apply this principle to neglected or postponed projects or endeavors.

The asteroids Lilith, Ceres, and Vesta align with the new moon. The placement of Lilith in Virgo encourages us to break free from societal norms and embrace our own unique perspectives, fostering a sense of independence and self-expression. Ceres in Capricorn may guide us towards our goals as we receive support and encouragement from those around us. There is a strong influence from Vesta in Cancer, encouraging us to tap into our emotions and harness our passions to drive us towards success. The presence of Black Moon Lilith in Virgo during the new moon reveals the importance of moving forward on our chosen path.

I find a connection between the new moon and the fixed stars, Rigel and Haedus I. This lunation is filled with energy, ambition, and the drive to achieve our goals. These fixed stars will support our endeavors and inspire us to reach new heights of success. It’s important to note that the alignment of celestial bodies can introduce a level of unpredictability into our lives, requiring us to embrace adaptability. This could be difficult because Taurian energy tends to favor predictability. It’s important to approach life with a flexible mindset and handle situations as they arise. There is a certain allure and enchantment in embracing the unknown.

Embrace the power of the new moon to set future intentions and uncover the things that bring us true happiness. It is critical to understand the importance of embracing the present and nurturing our inner fire through meaningful connections and enjoyable pursuits. Exploring new paths can be challenging and uncertain, yet stepping away from the ordinary can lead us to self-discovery and fulfillment.

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