Home Consciousness 4 Zodiac Signs Are Getting Dragged Down the Most by Ceres Retrograde

4 Zodiac Signs Are Getting Dragged Down the Most by Ceres Retrograde

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

When Ceres is in retrograde, it indicates an impending wake-up call.

The asteroid Ceres will begin its retrograde motion today, May 15th, and continue until August 26, 2024, when it will station direct. Because it is in the Capricorn cardinal sign, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will experience the effects of this transit more prominently.

Ceres continues to delve into specific topics and themes introduced by the eclipses in Aries and Libra. Once again, these signs may undergo significant changes and find acceptance in letting go of aspects of their past identities. During this transit, there is a heightened sense of nurturing, empowerment, and a strong focus on the future. This year is a great opportunity for those with cardinal placements to leave the past behind and concentrate on building a brighter and more influential future.

4 zodiac signs that’ll feel it most when Ceres goes Retrograde today, May 15:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

When it comes to safeguarding your career, aspirations, and goals, this transit becomes crucial as Ceres goes retrograde. By shifting your perspective, you can explore new horizons and reignite the fire that drives your ambitions and passions. You will also gain insight into the type of leader you aspire to be. Given the current placement of the North Node in your sign, there is a valuable opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. This cosmic alignment encourages you to embrace healing and forge a deeper connection with your inner self. If you had any doubts about your confidence and goals, the eclipse cycle would have served as a time of self-discovery and recognition of your worth and contributions.

With Ceres positioned at the top of your chart, you will gain valuable insights into the necessary adjustments for your leadership roles and how to navigate through evolving responsibilities. It is important to recognize the value of opening up to others, even if you generally prefer to be self-reliant. Embracing a more collaborative approach can lead to greater success. Cultivate and nurture those connections in various aspects of your life. Your friends and colleagues can play a crucial role in supporting your growth and development.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

As we get ready for this transit, you can sense its powerful energy working to bring healing, deep insights, and resolutions to any issues that may have been causing concern in your relationship. Your approach to interpersonal relationships has undergone a significant transformation over the past decade. However, Ceres is now guiding you towards self-care and helping you recognize and honor the boundaries you have set for yourself.

You’ll gain insight into areas where you can integrate self-love and healing as you explore the memories of your past. During this period, you may experience a sense of demand and multiple options presented by Ceres. However, it is important to note that this can also bring about strength and increased optimism, which are powerful outcomes. As you contemplate the challenges you have faced and triumphed over, you are discovering your inner strength. Take this as a gentle reminder to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, as well as to embrace self-love, which will fuel your inner strength.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In your chart, Ceres symbolizes the way you develop your resilience and tap into your inner strength to overcome obstacles, particularly following the eclipse cycle in your sign. During this transit, Libra and other cardinal signs will explore aspects of relationships and identity. It’s a time to reflect on who you are, what drives you, and where you aspire to be. It appears that you are revealing your independent side this year and exploring ways to feel more empowered. However, as this process continues, the retrograde of Ceres will continue to provide you with additional hints and chances for personal development. Nurture those seeds, and witness their beautiful growth as a result of your diligent efforts.

During this transit, you may find yourself taking on new responsibilities. It’s important to embrace these opportunities and use them to create positive change in your life. When the Pluto retrograde transit comes to a close later this year, it will mark the end of a significant chapter in your journey. Stay focused and make the most of this transformative time. Mastering the art of rising above and staying attuned to your needs is crucial for sustained success.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The current challenges you are experiencing may revolve around personal growth and the need to establish a greater sense of consistency within your comfort zone. During this transit, you’ll experience moments of introspection that can guide you towards the most suitable path for achieving your goals. As Pluto retrograde moves back into your sign, you will have the opportunity to thoroughly examine your relationships. Expect the resurgence of significant relationships, urging you to bring closure to certain chapters and narratives.

With these pivotal transitions, you’ll be shedding parts of yourself this year and facing questions about your identity. It’s a reminder to stay true to yourself and break free from societal expectations, especially when it comes to your career. By incorporating strategies to cultivate happiness and optimism, you can rediscover your true self.

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