Home Consciousness Harness the Fiery Energy of May’s Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius with This Powerful Ritual

Harness the Fiery Energy of May’s Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius with This Powerful Ritual

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius illuminates the skies as the blossoms of spring reach their peak, earning its name from this beautiful correlation.

The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd brings delightful and lighthearted energy to the cosmic realm. Following the powerful Solar Storms and the energetic influence of the star Algol, the May Full Moon presents a favorable chance for us to alleviate our burdens and refocus our intentions on finding joy.

One might overlook the fact that a significant aspect of our shared journey on Earth is to embrace the abundance of happiness. However, the Sagittarius Full Moon serves as a gentle nudge to remind us of this truth.

During this time, there is a noticeable feeling of fresh starts, bringing us closer to nature and fostering connections that align with our true selves. Embrace this vibrant energy and rediscover your wild spirit, whether it’s through spontaneous adventures or exploring new territories.

All you need to do is conduct the following ritual to be your guide.

I hope you enjoy it!

Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Flower Moon

This should be done between May 18th to May 28th for the best results.


  • Your choice of cleansing tool
  • Candle: 3
  • A piece of paper cut into three
  • Paper: 3
  • A pen
  • A glass with drinking water

What to do?

1. Start by cleansing the aura in you using your choice of cleansing tool. Recite:

“I cleanse my soul, body, and mind. I will release myself from anything old. My heart is now completely clear. There is no fear in me. I know that I have enough willpower. I am at peace. Thank you.”

Now, cleanse all the ingredients and your own surroundings. Recite:

“I cleanse the space all over me and all the ingredients. Everything is pure and full of love. I give everything my joy, and I release whatever does not serve me in any significant way. Let peace and love be the only parts of me and surround me.”

2. Put the candles in a triangle-like arrangement, and then ignite them. In the center, place the glass filled with drinking water.

3. Take one deep breath. Shut your eyes and sit silently. Be still. Meditate for about ten minutes if you want.

4. Tear the paper into three. Consider the following prompts, and choose three:

  • You’ve been holding this in your heart for too long. Maybe it’s time that I move on (your name).
  • You have to be kind to yourself. Say: I love you, (your name).
  • You know you deserve a lot better than this, and now is the time to set boundaries (your name).
  • You have achieved a lot of things, and you should be proud of (your name).
  • It is time that you decide on something. Put your hand on your heart (your name)—you know what you need to do.
  • Things are going to work in a perfect manner (your name). Don’t worry.
  • Healing may take a lot of time, but you have to be patient, (your name).
  • Things might seem topsy-turvy at the moment, but (your name) will go well soon enough.
  • You will soon let the thing go (your name), but for now, be kind to yourself.
  • You’re doing great, (your name). Just keep going; a bright future awaits.

5. Choose any of the three messages and write them on each piece of paper. Fold them so that each folded piece of paper looks the same. Now, shuffle them and put them in the pattern.

6. Take one piece of paper and write down a past event you want to forget. It could be a story or a belief. Write in detail.

7. After finishing, pause and reflect on what you have written. Check the three folded papers and pick one at random. Read it. Trust your intuition; sit with the feeling. Allow the wisdom it imparts to become coherent.

8. Take another piece of paper and write down something from the present that you want to release. Maybe it was from a couple of weeks ago, or something is affecting you now. Write in detail.

9. Like before, pick up another piece of folded paper and reflect on the message and thoughts it brings to you.

10. Finally, take the last piece of paper and note down something that you achieved. You may have initially doubted your ability, but you persevered and discovered your true strength. It’s an achievement that you are truly proud of.

11. Now, take another folded piece and reflect on it.

12. Once done, you have to take ten deep breaths and relax. Pick up the drinking water and recite this:

“Healing has started. I’m on the right path. I’m full of light. Thank you.”

Drink the entire water.

13. You can then burn up the papers, and when it gets hot, put them in a bowl of water. Or, you can shred it in a recycler.

Have a Happy Full Moon.

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