Home Consciousness Dos & Don’ts During the Libra Season 2024: Time to Rebalance the Scales

Dos & Don’ts During the Libra Season 2024: Time to Rebalance the Scales

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Go ahead and be the life of the party.

Raise your glasses, celestial beauties! It’s Libra season, which lasts from September 23 to October 22 each year. The stars are giving our social lives a makeover, with the genial air sign representing all things lavish and lovely.

The general vibe of Libra is one of beauty, peace, and prosperity. Libra’s energy simply wants everyone to get along and enjoy life’s sweetness.

Make the most of Libra season by channeling the positive energy of this sign.

Here’s how it’s done:

The biggest DOS during Libra season:

DO: Fill Your Calendar with Social Events

Libra is the socialite of the zodiac, so expect (or make) a lot of plans. This is the ideal time to schedule coffee dates with new friends or host a dinner party for your closest friends and family.

DO: Take the Lead

Libra, as a cardinal sign, is prone to taking the lead. Lead a project at work or start a crucial conversation with your partner. And, because Libra is associated with beauty and art, now is an excellent time to experiment with your appearance. Are you ready to set some trends?

DO: Indulge in Pleasure

Even the most practical among us should channel the spirit of this Venus-ruled sign, which is known for enjoying the finer things in life. Order the steak, take a long shower with all of your favorite products, or curl up with a relaxing book and a movie.

DO: Keep A Level Head

Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice for a reason, but maintains a balanced approach to problem-solving. This is especially true around the Libra new moon solar eclipse on October 2nd, which will heighten tensions. The solar eclipse is likely to be an intense time for relationships, requiring us to let go of what is no longer serving us.

The biggest DON’TS during Libra season

DON’T: Forget Your Alone Time

Spending quality time with yourself is also beautiful. Indulge in a completely relaxing night at home, or go on a date. Libra, represented by the scales, is all about balance.

DON’T: Bend Too Quickly

Libra governs all types of relationships, romantic, platonic, and otherwise. The tendency of this air sign to compromise can be a strength, but it can also lead to dissatisfaction. Set firm boundaries in your relationships to restore balance.

DON’T: Insert Yourself in Every Conflict

Libra is all about harmony. It is not always necessary, however, to fight every battle. Allow yourself (and others) space to breathe to keep your peace. Allow the cards to fall where they may.

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