Home Consciousness 7 Ways to Activate Your Inner Magick During Scorpio Season

7 Ways to Activate Your Inner Magick During Scorpio Season

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Scorpio season, which lasts from October 23 to November 21, is all about facing our deepest shadows and emotions, acknowledging the harsh and pleasant truths of the world, and rising like a phoenix from the ashes of transformation.

It’s Mars and Pluto’s season, so don’t be surprised if your sexual energy and obsession skyrocket, along with your need for power.

Here’s how to activate your inner magick during Scorpio season.

Make pumpkin carvings.

Let’s begin with pumpkins because Halloween occurs in the first third of the Scorpio season. Did you know they make an excellent tool for manifestation rituals? So, take the largest pumpkin you can handle and scoop out its guts. You can also carve motifs and symbols on the shell to emphasize your intentions. Then, in the pumpkin’s center, place a white candle. You can use multiple candles, but only make one wish for each pumpkin.

Perform shadow work.

Scorpio isn’t afraid of the dark, and its favorite place to visit is the abyss. So, if there was ever a good time to meet your shadow self and understand who you truly are deep down, Scorpio season is it.

This will necessitate the use of your trusty journal. If you don’t already have one, purchase something that will make you feel powerful and strong. The more lovely, the better! Then, using revelatory questions, determine what motivates you and why. This type of practice is known as shadow work. And if it causes a dark night of the soul, you’ll soon find your phoenix feathers.

Watch true crime documentaries and dark dramas.

Scorpio energy is not afraid of the truth, particularly if it is dark. And it enjoys seeing the dark side of human society so that no one can pull the wool over their eyes. Therefore, during the Scorpio season, it’s highly recommended to immerse yourself in the realm of true crime and dark dramas, allowing you to witness the murky underbelly for yourself. The dystopian genre, including zombie films, has a strong Scorpio influence.

Investigate divination.

The occult and Scorpio have a deep connection. So, if your tarot cards have been gathering dust for more than a decade, now is the time to bring them out and dabble again. During Scorpio season, all forms of divination are welcome, from palmistry to astrology to crystal gazing. And don’t be surprised if your intuitive abilities prove to be powerful. The Scorpio season has the potential to enhance your intuitive abilities and uncover your hidden psychic abilities.

Dress to impress.

Every season has its own fashion favorites and style. Scorpio season is no exception. However, the trends here are predominantly dark and gothic, infused with a hint of rebellious taboo. So, whatever those words mean to you, dress to impress. And there’s no better time than Scorpio season to experiment with your underwear and lingerie.

Experiment with something new in the bedroom.

We had to come here eventually. Scorpio is too sexy a zodiac sign to leave off the list. So, whether you try it with your significant other or someone you met on Tinder, Scorpio season is the perfect time to experiment in the bedroom.

Embrace sensual self-care.

Self-care has never felt so good. Scorpio season is known for being sensual and amazing. From ritual baths with rose petals and essential oils to a full-body massage at your favorite spa, the possibilities are limitless and only limited by what makes you feel good. And if your self-care ideas seem taboo to others, that’s their problem. Scorpio does not pass judgment.

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