Home Consciousness So, You Were Born During Venus Retrograde? Find Out What It Means for You

So, You Were Born During Venus Retrograde? Find Out What It Means for You

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every 18 months, Venus goes retrograde for 40 days, and those born during these times have distinct personality traits.

Retrograde planets are common in the natal chart.

Because Mercury is one of the fastest-moving planets, we have several Mercury retrograde periods per year (usually around four), which means that being born during Mercury retrograde is fairly common. Natal Venus retrograde, on the other hand, occurs less frequently.

Because Venus retrograde occurs every 18 months and lasts only 40 days, having it in the chart can be quite interesting because it is not as common. Having this planet retrograde, however, indicates that you are in tune with Venusian themes. They are often creative, confident, and hopeful romantics.

What does it mean if you were born during Venus retrograde?

Being born during Venus Retrograde indicates that you will be able to analyze partnerships much more than the average person. Channeling their energy into something they enjoy (art, books, education, etc.) will assist them in reflecting the energy back into their relationships. Someone whose natal chart has Venus retrograde will understand how to value themselves, especially in relationships.

The Venus retrograde native has a level of awareness that is filled with wisdom, most likely as a result of past karmic experiences. Venus’s level of understanding gives the native an advantage in relationships. They possess a clear understanding of their desires, exhibit less attachment to their partner, and exercise caution before giving in to their emotions. Venus is in control and assertive in this situation. Only a deserving individual can perceive their passionate side.

To see whether your natal Venus placement is retrograde, a free natal chart generator will show you.

Natal Venus retrograde traits


These individuals, who are imaginative and one-of-a-kind, know how to capture the attention of others through the creation of art. Venus governs creativity, and the native will not be afraid to display their works of art to others.


It may be difficult for them at first to express this to their partner, but the Venus retrograde native is passionate. Their love is like a hidden star; you must be patient and appreciate their beauty and kindness. They will continue to shine brighter once they realize they have found the one who can see them in their true form.

A student of love

Venus retrograde indicates someone who will use previous relationships as a learning experience and apply the lessons learned in future relationships. They enjoy being swept away by love, so romance can be exciting to them.

The Venus retrograde individual is learning to value and prioritize themselves. Each experience teaches them that romance does not define them. The evolved Venus retrograde native will easily enjoy pursuing love through other avenues, such as learning and focusing on hobbies or other activities that fulfill them.


The unevolved Venus will require a partnership to feel whole, whereas the evolved Venus retrograde will take their time. When Venus makes a commitment, they want to protect and be someone on whom their partner can rely. The native reserves their love for someone deserving.

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