Home Consciousness Final Mercury Retrograde of Year ’24 Is Coming: Heightened Senses

Final Mercury Retrograde of Year ’24 Is Coming: Heightened Senses

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Mercury Retrograde is coming!

Again? Already?

The drama is set to begin on the 25th of November, in Sagittarius. Rest assured; we will encounter some changes ahead. If you belong to the older generation, you likely remember the extensive list of prohibitions associated with the retrograde period.

Don’t make or sign any new contracts! Don’t get engaged! Don’t touch sharp or electrical objects! If you ever follow these advices, it’ll make your life really depressing. Who would want to live like that? Clearly, there’s some way out, which is what I’m here to tell you.

What Exactly is Mercury Retrograde?

A retrograde happens when a planet seems to move in reverse from our perspective on Earth. It doesn’t truly move backwards; it merely seems to do so. Mercury goes retrograde frequently, occurring approximately 3–4 times annually with each period lasting several weeks. When a planet goes into retrograde, the areas it governs often become unsettled, as do the aspects associated with the sign it is retrograding through.

During Mercury retrograde, we encounter both a shadow and a storm. The shadow period begins when Mercury first reaches the point in the Zodiac where it will eventually turn direct and concludes when it last reaches the point in the Zodiac where it will turn retrograde.

Typically, individuals do not experience the impacts of Mercury retrograde until it reaches the storm phase. The storm period of Mercury retrograde occurs when Mercury travels at its slowest pace, moving less than 40 minutes each day. Mercury is a swift planet, and it dislikes when it moves at a slower pace. Typically, there are two storm periods: one coinciding with Mercury’s retrograde phase and another occurring when it goes direct.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024: Key Dates

  • This retrograde begins on November 25th 2024 at 9:42 p.m. ET or November 26th 2024 at 3:42 a.m. CET and ends on December 15th 2024 at 3:56 p.m. ET/9:56 p.m. CET.
  • The shadow period for this retrograde is November 7th, 2024–January 2nd, 2025.
  • Normally, there are two storm periods. The storm periods for this retrograde are November 21st–30th 2024 and December 12th–20th 2024.

How Will the Final Mercury Retrograde Affect You & Your Life?

This Mercury retrograde takes place solely in the fire sign of Sagittarius, known for its qualities of expansion. Sagittarius embodies new experiences, adventures, and optimism. During this Mercury retrograde, we might either push boundaries and become unrealistic and impractical, or we could shy away and miss out on opportunities for growth and exploration.

Sagittarius seeks freedom, and we are probably striving to create as much distance as we can during this Mercury retrograde. As a consequence, we might overexert ourselves, leading to avoidance of responsibilities that require our attention and distancing ourselves from individuals who may ultimately be affected. When we eventually cease running, we might feel a sense of regret, yet we may find it impossible to rectify, making it crucial to manage this urge to run. Creative thinking can help us find some of the space we need right now, even if it’s in our imaginations. We can acquire additional space later, but approaching it thoughtfully yields far better results.

Sagittarius’s influence on our beliefs suggests that this Mercury retrograde could challenge some of our convictions. Individuals may find themselves increasingly fervent about their convictions when they align with their current identity, enabling them to express their views, advocate for their beliefs, and engage in meaningful struggles. Some individuals may experience uncertainty about their beliefs if they find themselves no longer in agreement with them and consider stepping away.

This retrograde offers an excellent opportunity to revisit a significant idea and give it another chance; to travel to a familiar destination; to re-learn or re-teach a subject; to reconnect with a former mentor or student; and for any editing tasks.

The retrograde concludes with a trine, a favorable aspect, as Mars retrogrades in Leo. Indeed, Mars will enter retrograde on December 6th, coinciding with Mercury’s ongoing retrograde, creating an overlap that lasts for nine days.

This can disrupt many aspects, particularly during retrograde, leading to potential challenges in focus and communication with Mercury, as well as difficulties in taking initiative and utilizing energy with Mars. It seems we are concentrating heavily on the past, making this an opportune moment for second chances and addressing unresolved issues and karma.

However, the trine is a positive aspect, allowing us to transition from Mercury retrograde into Mars retrograde in a favorable state. This period presents opportunities to discover new methods or revisit previous approaches to enhance our energy and enthusiasm, as well as to engage with both new and old ideas and plans.

This Mercury retrograde is accompanied by a mutable t-square. T-squares arise when multiple planets are in opposition to each other while simultaneously forming squares with a third planet or more. This t-square features Mercury and the Sun positioned in Sagittarius, opposing Jupiter in Gemini, while all elements are squared by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Mercury’s retrograde will directly impact all of these elements, with the exception of Neptune.

Although they tend to be somewhat scattered, mutable t-squares possess a significant amount of energy. Controlling it is challenging due to the flowing mutable energy. The squared planets dominate the spotlight, particularly Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, leading us to become overly focused on our ambitions, paths, duties, creativity, history, and karmic ties. There could be a significant amount of karma in circulation.

The previous Mercury retrograde featured a mutable t-square, with Jupiter in Gemini as the squared planet, creating challenges in communication and activity.

The exit lies beyond the absent sign, which corresponds to the Zodiac sign that opposes the squared planets. The final mutable t-square during Mercury retrograde lacked Sagittarius, prompting us to expand our thoughts and envision a more expansive perspective. This mutable t-square lacks Virgo, indicating a need to enhance our practicality, focus on the details, and address the minor tasks at hand. We might require organization, framework, and consistency to prevent ourselves from drifting aimlessly in various directions.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024: Aspects

Throughout the retrograde, Mercury will form four significant aspects with the other transiting planets. They are as follows:

Opposite Jupiter on December 4th, 2024, at 16 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini: Jupiter represents growth, and when faced with oppositions, things can become chaotic, leading to a potential spiral effect. Jupiter serves as the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, creating a dynamic that can feel somewhat contradictory. We might have a tendency toward excess, and we may struggle to put a stop to it. Moderation is necessary. This can provide a positive atmosphere for relaxation and leisure.

Conjunct the Sun on December 5th, 2024, at 14 degrees Sagittarius: This marks the Inferior Conjunction, an opportune moment during the retrograde to initiate a focus for the upcoming 6–8 weeks. Identify its placement in your chart, as that may indicate where you can embark on a new endeavor. This placement in Sagittarius encourages us to take bold steps toward a significant idea, embark on a new experience, or pursue something we are looking to expand.

Square Saturn on December 6th 2024 at 13 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces: Mercury square Saturn presents a formidable challenge, and we might find ourselves grappling with feelings of being overwhelmed by our responsibilities, burdened by everything we have to manage, and sensing a feeling of entrapment. We carry a heavy burden, and our choices seem quite restricted. This can lead to feelings of discouragement. We need to focus on identifying space within the constraints and adhere to our plans. It is essential for us to maintain discipline and remain focused, ensuring that we act appropriately and for justifiable reasons. Then we can rise to a more favorable position.

Sextile Venus on December 13th, 2024, at 6/7 degrees Sagittarius/Aquarius: Mercury sextile Venus presents a harmonious influence, and with Mercury governing communication, our ability to express ourselves effectively is enhanced. This may be a more straightforward period for self-expression, and positive developments may arise. We might concentrate on engaging with individuals from our history, reinforcing our commitments, and maintaining harmony.

The Moons of Mercury Retrograde:

The Moon moves through the signs that Mercury naturally governs during this retrograde, concluding in Gemini from December 13th at 12:21 p.m. ET/6:21 p.m. CET to December 15th at 2:21 p.m. ET/8:21 p.m. CET. This may result in a surge of scattered, unfocused energy and a desire for a mental outlet. As we emerge from this retrograde, we likely feel quite frazzled and eager to progress.

The Moon aligns with the sign of the retrograde on November 30 at 6:53 a.m. ET/12:53 p.m. CET to December 2nd at 4:09 p.m. ET/10:09 p.m. CET. This enhances the influence of the retrograde and sharpens our focus on the matters at hand.


The retrograde begins at 22 degrees Sagittarius, meaning that Archers born between December 11th and 16th may experience its effects most strongly. The retrograde concludes at 6 degrees Sagittarius, meaning that Archers born between November 25th and 30th may experience its conclusion most acutely.

For everyone else, examine the house(s) where Mercury will be retrograding in your natal chart, as well as any aspects Mercury will form during its retrograde with your natal planets, to gain a complete understanding of its personal impact on you.

If Mercury is retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you might not experience the most challenging aspects of this phenomenon. Those individuals typically do not encounter the challenges of the retrograde, as it comes more naturally to them. Certainly, it is likely that those surrounding them may not share the same perspective, which means they can still face challenges caused by others.

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