At the beginning of the New Year, we start with positive intentions, sincere words, and new goals.
According to the Wheel of the Year, the Celtic New Year, or Samhain, was the time when most magical practitioners set their wishes and intentions over stones, candles, and oils during the darkness of the Shadow Season starting on 1st November. Some call this the true “start” of the coming year.
No matter when we set those intentions, the key is to maintain the spark that allows us to envision ourselves in better ways. Those intentions, even praised and held onto for some time, quickly fade away. Simply, as time passes, our dedication and patience dissolve, and all those wishes, ideas, hopes, and intentions for a better tomorrow of the Universe start fading.
It’s a good idea to start with true understanding of the power behind our wishes and intentions. The matter isn’t just an idea set on a special night when your universal form is ready to get filled out and sent. An intention is a lifelike process that further grows, manifests, and creates. Intention is a breath of hope, a living being within you.
Ancient Sumerians believed that mere naming something can breathe it into existence. That said, your words have the power to make true your wishes through the energy that you have put into your intentions and further into real, concrete form.
When you name your intentions and tell the Universe that the “time is now,” the Universe fulfills those intentions. Likewise, when you honor your promise that you have sent to the Universe, in return you are rewarded furthermore.
Having in mind all aforementioned, it is wise to tread lightly when uttering words of intention. If your intention manifests, it indicates that you truly asked for it at some point in time. Having said that, it’s important to focus on love, hope, and strength, as these positive emotions are more likely to manifest than negative ones. Consider it as a simple relationship, where the more you give, the more you receive, and you fulfill the promises you’ve made in the past. It is a matter of mutual exchange.
One part of the power in setting intentions comes from personalizing them and claiming them as your own. What you should do is put your unique energy into a real project and watch it grow; enroll in classes that align with your interests; invest time in specific individuals who share your values and interests; set your intentions upon candles like magicians do; and save money to travel to your favorite destination. When your intention is genuine and authentic, it becomes a reality. It manifests. The first step is understanding your true desires.
Here are some practical guidelines for setting your intentions into the Universe:
- Use sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs to purify your space. Also, gems such as obsidian, smoky quartz, kyanite, and shungite are powerful cleansing tools.
- Project the idea of what you wish to manifest and hold fast to that image inside your mind and heart.
- Worry not about details and certain ways of bringing life to your creation. By the time, everything comes together when you keep focused on the intention.
- Write your intention down and draw it out. Using your physical brain, the left hemisphere is engaged for logic while writing it, and the right hemisphere is engaged for creativity while drawing.
- Use your imagination as your intentions are happening right now.
- Visualize your intention in a cloud and send it further to the Source.
- No room for doubt. Believe. Believe in it.
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