by Frank M. Wanderer,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder
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In New Age spirituality, “starseeds” are individuals who believe their souls originate from other star systems or galaxies.
According to this concept, these souls have voluntarily incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity’s spiritual development and to elevate the collective consciousness.
Characteristics and Identification of Starseeds
Starseeds often feel out of place in earthly society and possess a deep yearning for spiritual knowledge and a profound understanding of the universe. Common traits include:
Strong Intuition and Psychic Abilities:
Starseeds frequently have deep insights and psychic abilities, such as telepathy or precognition, enabling them to form a deeper connection with the world around them and the universe.
Empathy and Compassion:
They feel deep compassion for others and are inclined to help those in need. This empathetic nature often leads them to choose professions where they can serve others, such as healing or teaching.
Curiosity about Cosmic Origins:
They have a strong attraction to astronomy, space exploration, and extraterrestrial civilizations, prompting them to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe and their own cosmic roots.
Feeling of Being Different:
They often feel they don’t fit into traditional social norms and seek a deeper meaning in life, a sentiment that often emerges in childhood and persists throughout their lives.
Homesickness and Longing:
Many starseeds feel they don’t belong on Earth and have a deep yearning for an unknown “home,” a longing that is deeply rooted within them.
Early Wisdom:
From a young age, they possess wisdom beyond their years, often being referred to as “old souls,” with others sensing this profound wisdom in them.
Interest in Metaphysics and Spiritual Teachings:
They are drawn to metaphysical topics, alternative healing, and spiritual teachings, aiding them in gaining a deeper understanding of life and the workings of the universe.
Vivid Dreams and Paranormal Experiences:
They often have vivid dreams set in other worlds or dimensions, as well as paranormal experiences, such as seeing spirits or having premonitions.
Connection with Nature and Animals:
They feel a strong bond with nature and animals, often gravitating toward activities or professions related to the natural world.
Creativity and Artistic Inclination:
Many starseeds possess exceptional creative or artistic talents, which they often use for self-expression and to inspire others.
These traits can help identify starseeds and understand their unique mission on Earth. It’s important to note that while these individuals may feel special, part of their mission is to integrate into society and contribute to humanity’s spiritual evolution.
Their Spiritual Mission
According to New Age teachings, the primary mission of starseeds is to facilitate humanity’s spiritual awakening and raise the planet’s vibrational frequency.
This includes:
Raising Awareness: Helping others recognize their own spiritual nature and their connection to the universe.
Energetic Healing: Utilizing various healing techniques to contribute to the cleansing and harmonization of individual and collective energy fields.
Introducing New Paradigms: Promoting new ways of thinking and lifestyles that align with higher spiritual truths and universal love.
Connection with the Galactic Community
Starseeds often feel a connection to other galactic civilizations and believe they communicate with them through meditation, dreams, or other spiritual practices.
This connection provides inspiration and guidance for fulfilling their mission.
The concept of starseeds in New Age spirituality encourages individuals to seek a deeper connection with the universe and recognize their own spiritual mission.
While these ideas lack scientific evidence, many find meaning and purpose in them, thereby contributing to global spiritual awakening and the advancement of humanity.
Excerpt from Frank M. Wanderer’s new book The Path of New Age to Unity
About the author: Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D is a professor of psychology, a consciousness researcher and writer, and publisher of several books on consciousness . With a lifelong interest in the mystery of human existence and the work of the human mind, Frank’s work is to help others wake up from identification with our personal history and the illusory world of the forms and shapes, and to find our identity in what he calls “the Miracle”, the mystery of the Consciousness.
You can also follow his blog HERE.
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