Time does not really exist, if you think about it—not as a linear progression at least. Shocked? Well, when we are stuck in the earthly realm, then time appears to exist in a certain way.
However, it is nothing but an illusion. Many people have gone beyond the realms of time and found out that time, as we know it, does not really exist.
The stages in which the progression of time occurs—as you know it— are how we are able to process things on Earth. It must have a start, a middle, and a conclusion. But what does March 3rd have to do with time?
3rd March opens up an important numerological code—33. It is the third month of the year, and we are on the third day. Now, you may ask, are calendars, as we know them, just human inventions?
Well, you are right, but numbers come down to us from the universe. Numbers and patterns are important parts of the cosmos and our lives.
Why else do scientists spend so many days with numbers to study the universe? There is a pattern and a sequence to our lives as we journey from birth to our death. And numbers control it.
However, number 3 is somehow one of the most important ones among mathematicians and numerologists alike.
The number 3 is also present in 3D, and likewise, it indicates the material aspect of the world. It shows our ability to create and to manifest.
Number 3 can also be referred to as the building blocks of our lives. It is the total of our mind, body, and spirit. It represents the starting point, the middle, and the ending point of our lives.
‘3’ is also the number for creativity. It helps in expressing ourselves creatively and listening to our inner voice as well. If we truly are silent and are guided by our inner voice, we can reach the highest truth. It can put us all on the right path.
Well, if 3 is such a magical number, imagine the boost it will get when it is paired with two more on the third of March. If we can just look within and tap into the pool of energy that 33 brings, then you can imagine this point to be like a signpost that will define your life from here on.
We will be able to express ourselves better during this period, and on top of that, we will be able to align ourselves with the cosmos and be one with it.
Creativity and harmony—the universe brings everything to us. We can now write our own stories during this period and become heroes of our tale. The only thing we need to do is connect.
The Universe wants us to grow. It is expanding, and it wants us to expand with it. Of course, we might not be able to absorb all the energies present in the universe. But we can start small—maybe with our earth, at first.
Consume the energies of the green Earth and the animals and plants, and then you can look up and consume the energy of the stars beyond. Create yourselves.
When you are one with the pattern 33, not only will your inner voice communicate with you, but your guardian angels and spirits will come to stand beside you as well.
If you encounter this sign quite often, then it means that your guardian spirit is with you and looking after you. Just follow their lead, and you will reach a safe place.
It could also mean the Universe is telling you to reconsider your actions and goals.
Go deep—think. Maybe you are straying from your destined path. You can try to meditate too, if you want.
The vibrations of 33 are strong. Don’t let it slip away. Let it guide you through this period and bring the spiritual best in you.
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