Home Consciousness Your Eye Color Can Change Based On Your Emotions

Your Eye Color Can Change Based On Your Emotions

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Genetics is actually one of the most exciting branches of science in today’s modern world.

The study of genetics permits us to take a profound insight into the world of living beings by analyzing their physical appearance and closely related family history.

Similarly, genetics permits us to predict the appearance, as well as skills and any disease of a living thing that has not even been born yet. The point is that we can study the future with the help of genetics.

Currently, one of the most exciting technologies of this science is dealing with the genetic complement of a child that has yet to be born. Here, we are mainly going to focus on eye color change with emotions.

For years and centuries, people connected specific characteristics with eye color without any sound proof. For instance, emerald green eyes were once thought of as a sign of wickedness. For example, if you have green eyes, and when you cry, they appear to be a darker, deeper  green.

Stereotypes for eyes exist since the start of times. Your eye color actually in no way determines your personality.

The phenomenon has phenotypic effects on your body, but, there may also be cases where the color of your eyes can shift from their color spectrum and this shift, believe it or not, has something to do with emotions.

The color of the eyes is restricted to your iris, right outside of your pupil. If you ever look closely into the eyes of someone, you are going to notice that eye colors are not homogenous throughout.

They are more like spread out in different gradients throughout this iris. From far away, they seem like a single color.

Emotions are not the thing that changes your eye colors completely. If your eyes are blue, your feelings will not turn them into brown. Eye color genetics is not restricted to one gene pair, but it is connected with three gene pairs.

So, you will probably or probably not have an underlying trait for another particular eye color. Dominance and recessiveness come into play in such scenario.

Emotions which are mostly related to our sympathetic nervous system – these are our conscious feelings which are stimulated by any event or thought.

Our pupils also tend to dilate or constrict in different conditions. When we are undergoing an episode of rage, or we are preparing ourselves to fight someone, our pupils, in fact, tend to dilate. Similarly to this, when we are in a stressful situation, it causes our pupils to dilate.

There are also other different emotions that constrict or dilate our pupils like tranquility, fear, as well as surprise and sadness.

Since eye color is not homogenous, dilation or constriction will tend to make our eye color more prominent or lightens its tone. For instance, take brown eyes; at the time of dilation, they will become lighter, and at the time of constriction, they will become darker.

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