Home Consciousness Everything You Resist, Persists!

Everything You Resist, Persists!

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every time we want to avoid something, it looks like it bumps to us constantly. Being like that, it is actually not some conspiracy, but it is the simple consequences of the universal laws operating: it is the Law of Resistance.

Everything we resist, it persists, no matter what it is.

For example, if we take a look at our past life, we are going to have a lot of memories which will prove the reality of the law in only a couple of moments. No matter what we resisted, it persisted.

For instance, when resisting some negative situation and we force the outside circumstances to be in our own favor as of our wishes, it will only create more sufferance and negativity. Enduring things looks like it squeezes out the energy and transfers it to that thing of resistance. So, we continue resisting, as well as draining the energy inside us.

However, the hardest challenge would be how we actually tolerate a person that is filled with a lot of negativity and attitudinally regularly creates chaos in the family. Also, at our workplace were a lot of individuals that have some negativity in attitude exist, for example, our boss, who always claims to be right, even though he is not.

So, at such times, we should know the way in which we should respond. We will also have to be brave and have the bravery to support ourselves, or some individuals will simply walk over us. However, the goal that we have is to create an inside suspension organization gradually, such as the one of some vehicle which drives on the roads.

Gradually, through some practice of observing our thoughts and breaths quietly, we can permit the distilling of the standard inside mechanism of resistance something which will be unpleasant, so later on, we will have the ability to confront situations like that and become awake and alert about not surrendering to the sudden urge to do the same. Instead, we should attempt being more empathetic and understanding, and fill that individual with some optimistic energy.

This will not be easy, but as the time passes, it will be, if it is practiced. If we can actually do it once, we can also do it twice, and step by step, we are going to come into a condition in which provocations from outside will not make us be out of our balance.

This is a real spiritual growing – remaining unharmed in the middle of the outside challenges and threats. A person that can do that will know that each of those negative individuals who came into his life did not happen by accident, but it occurred as a result of karmic relation.

We can actually win this if we play the correct card and we can also reach not reaction and state of response, so there will be peace without and within.

We have to learn a lot more from nature. When keeping company with it, we are going to learn something from the air, as it has different smells within it, but does not have its own. Our planet is the incarnation of patience. For example, when we look at trees, they are going to teach us everything about the art of not judging, unconditionally.

We are not supposed to not remember that we are not simply a part of this nature, but we are the nature itself, in its totality. The simple difference is that we are actually not aware that we are inseparable from it, and it is the main reason why we become unnatural.

When we are living a non-violent life, trying not to cause pain or hurt people with deeds or words, or when we want to see the wonders of the planet, we are going to grow in real humans that follow the order of the Universe, which is called Dharma. Then, the necessity for resistance is going to dissolve forever.

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