Home Consciousness You Should Never Say These 10 Things To An Empath

You Should Never Say These 10 Things To An Empath

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In our lives, we can always come across people who are very emotional. It might seem quite overbearing for you at first. They are intensely passionate and creative, but they often wear their hearts on their sleeves.

They can get offended very easily and can get upset at the smallest things. Nothing is wrong with them – they are just highly emotional.

It’s perfectly fine to be highly emotional and you can learn a lot from your highly emotional friends. But if you really want to keep a friendship with them, you need to really work on what you tell them.

Here are some of the things you should not say in front of a Highly Emotional Person (HEP):

1. Focusing on the positive things in your life

There might be a lot of positive things happening in the life of a HEP, but don’t always prod them to focus on it. They might not be able to help but focus on the things that are going wrong. If you tell them about focusing on the positive stuff, they might think that you are putting their problems under the carpet.

2. I have it worse

Don’t do a comparative analysis of your problems with theirs and tell them who has it worse. A HEP can feel their problem more intensely that you do with yours. Also, every person has their own reaction to their problems. So, don’t dumb it down by comparison.

3. Not again!

You will only flare up their emotions by shutting them down. Yes, their whining might seem annoying, but they just want you to listen. Lend them your ear and address the issue. It might calm them soon.

4. Don’t let them win by bringing them in your thoughts

They can’t help it really. They are always thinking about something and getting involved in an invisible conflict. It’s how their mind is built. If you really want to assist, draw their attention to something else.

5. Don’t think about it

No – it’s not easy to just stop thinking. They know that their thoughts are the problem and that’s what’s eating them up, but they can’t just switch it off. 

6. You can handle it

You may have handled it well, but you can’t assume someone else’s strength and how they might be able to handle it. You are unique and so are they. So, try to sympathize but don’t force your concept of mental strength on another.

7. Move on?

Moving on takes time and it’s different for different people. Yes, a HEP may be stuck in muck for a long time but you just can’t push them out. Give them time.

8. Crybaby

People often use this term, ‘You are being a crybaby’. Expressing your grief does not make you a crybaby. It becomes a slur. It is actually a healthy act.

9. Other people’s opinion doesn’t matter

They know that other people’s opinion has no value, but it still affects them. If they are under the stress of other people’s opinions, don’t make it worse by stating this obvious truth. It does hurt, even though you say it doesn’t.

10. It was a joke

Don’t say something terribly rude and expect others to take it as a joke. Whatever be your intent, if your joke was hurtful, it will hurt someone. Don’t just shove away the responsibility by covering it up with the title ‘Joke’.

Be careful of what you say before a Highly Emotional Person. Make them your best friends – you will be surprised to find out what value they bring in your life.

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