Home Consciousness What Are The Effects Of Jupiter Square Mars This Month?

What Are The Effects Of Jupiter Square Mars This Month?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As Jupiter kept nearing Mars for a square position, our irritability kept rising. This was at its peak during the Full Moon a few days back but the effects will last till about 19th September.

The alignment of Jupiter with Mars in a square happens once every year, but this year the energy is intensified because both the planets were very active and busy.

From 11th August Jupiter has been in Direct motion. As the planet hovers now over the Great Attractor, it is amplifying the planet’s energy. This rare incident won’t happen until at least 2030!

Mars in a rare alignment also came near the Sun earlier in September. This gave a surcharge of power to keep it active for the rest of the month.

As we prepare for the sacred alignment of Mars and Jupiter, we must be ready to absorb their potent energy and experience their effects in our daily lives.

Usually, Mars is known for energy, action, motivation, and it helps us overcome our inner fears. And Jupiter is all about optimism and abundance. It magnifies things to full potency and expression.

As these two planets are now in a square, we utilize the productive energy around. But we must be careful about where and how we spend this energy. Questions should arise if we are using this energy to benefit ourselves or distracting ourselves from reality.   

What We Can Expect From The Jupiter-Mars Square:

The productive energy now will increase our motivation, with the need to finish work urgently. Jupiter gives us the confidence to be bold and take on riskier tasks with optimism. Obstacles will be easier to cross now.

Our defensive side would be highlighted as we feel more threatened and feel like we need to criticize others’ mistakes. Frustration and anger will be our companions for the next two days. This will lead to even exhaustion. This squaring of the two can bring confusion and conflicts in legal cases as well.

Jupiter-Mars square is forcing us to observe how we spend our energy as well as where it is being spent. If spent in a positive manner, it can heighten our creativity and confidence to make any decision. We must choose our words and reactions carefully now. If you have been working hard for some time now, take a break! A burnout is on its way.

Every individual is feeling the alignment of Mars and Jupiter in different ways. How you let it merge with your own energies will decide how you experience the effects.

The coming together of Jupiter and Mars is said to be a positive influence. If you feel any conflicting energies, try exercising and think of creative ways to channel it.

Now is the time to be aware of what we are doing at which period and we must keep a check over our thoughts. We need to direct our thoughts into productive ones. We should practice meditation at this time which will do wonders and keep our stress levels low.

We should spend some time breathing fresh air out in nature, this will help us overcome the drawbacks. Spending time with the loved ones will be therapeutic as well.

We all have powerful minds and are capable of powerful actions. But we must allow the two to merge under the energy of the Jupiter and Mars square to manifest it in a creative manner. We ought to be careful about how we utilize this energy. We should let go of our ego and our fears and not let them control our lives.

Jupiter squaring Mars now is leading us to the final square of Jupiter with Neptune. This will happen on 21st September 2019.

Jupiter-Neptune Square is coming to help us wrap up an important aspect of our lives. All the work we have done throughout the year is coming to a close soon. Let’s look ahead!

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