Home Consciousness Asteroid Cupido in Pisces: (Extra)-Ordinary Romance

Asteroid Cupido in Pisces: (Extra)-Ordinary Romance

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Today, February 26, 2024, the asteroid Cupido will move from the airy sign of Aquarius to the watery sign of Pisces, where it will remain until April 17, 2024.

What are the effects that this transit will have on us?

What is Cupido in astrology?

Asteroid Cupido resides within the primary asteroid belt and was designated in honor of Cupid, the deity associated with desire, attraction, and affection. Your birth chart indicates your preferences in terms of what you find appealing, and the movements of celestial bodies will influence the specific locations or situations that may attract you at a given moment. Cupido arouses intense ardor that transcends societal norms and regulations, and it should be emphasized that it is not exclusively limited to romantic relationships. Cupido can influence the aspects that capture your interest in the dating scene if you are single. For individuals in relationships, it provides guidance on understanding the factors that sustain the intensity of desire. Cupido also assists in comprehending one’s individual charm.

Cupido in Pisces 2024

When it comes to our romantic interests, Cupido in Pisces can be a bit over the top. People we’re crazy about have a greater impact on our daydreams and fantasies, and we’re more likely to conjure up fantastical scenarios when we’re thinking about them. On the other hand, we might not reveal our dreams if we remain silent about this. When we have a crush on someone, we can be overly idealistic and reserved around them.

Since Pisces is the sign that rules creativity and imagination, this can also be a great time to devote ourselves fully to artistic endeavors that we’re passionate about. We can wholeheartedly immerse ourselves in them and savor the experience.

On March 18th, at 12 degrees, the asteroid Cupido will align with transit Saturn in Pisces. On April 15th, at 28 degrees, it will transit Neptune. Because Saturn is putting constraints on our romantic relationships, we might find that we want to commit to our crushes more than before. When our fantasies about someone or something we’re deeply infatuated with burst, the fantasy ends.

Being the natural ruler of Pisces, Neptune’s conjunction to Pisces increases the impact of Pisces. Just before Cupido leaves Pisces, this gives you a boost.

Asteroid Cupido in Pisces for the Zodiac Signs:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Having Cupido in Pisces allows you to keep your crushes to yourself, and you can also allow yourself to get lost in daydreams. It’s possible that what you imagine is more favorable than what actually occurs, so you can be content with keeping it to yourself for the time being. Whether you are alone, behind the scenes, or in the background, you have the ability to demonstrate passion and creativity.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

With Cupido in Pisces, you might find yourself falling in love with someone or something that is out of the ordinary for you, someone or something that goes against the grain of your typical experiences. When it comes to the changes you want to make, your dreams for the future, or a cause that you are invested in, you have the ability to be more passionate about certain things.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

When Cupido is in Pisces, you may experience a greater sense of ambition and a desire to channel your fiercely passionate energy toward accomplishing something. You have the ability to immerse yourself in the work that you are doing, which can give the impression that you are more passionate about it. In addition, you might have a stronger passion for commitment, and you might also have a more conventional approach to love.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

If Cupido is in Pisces, you may feel more passionate when you are on adventures, doing something bold, and dating. You may also want more space to do your own thing that you have created for yourself. It is possible for you to develop a deeper passion for your beliefs, and it is also possible for you to develop an obsession with anything that you are expanding and exploring.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

With Cupido in Pisces, you have the potential to be quite passionate in every way, and you should strive to channel this passion in a productive manner; otherwise, you risk becoming obsessive. In addition to conducting thorough research and getting to the bottom of things, you have the ability to develop a strong interest in a change that is for the better. Also, this is a good time for intimacy between the two of you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Under the influence of Cupido in Pisces, you may feel a greater desire to be there for others and be more passionate about commitment. Investing in compromise, negotiation, and mediation, as well as being charming and diplomatic, are all options available to you. Passionate people may be drawn to you, and you may experience a sense of attraction to the powerful energy that they exude.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

When Cupido is in Pisces, you may feel more passionate about the work that you do, and you may want to concentrate on projects that you can completely immerse yourself in. Whatever it is that you do, you have the ability to be creative and to take care of the little things. You are able to pay close attention to the person you have a crush on, and you are able to express your feelings in a variety of different ways.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

When you are in Pisces, you may experience a more intense love for Cupido, and you may also be more charming and attractive than usual. Additionally, you have the ability to be extremely creative and to imbue everything you do with creativity. Love can be communicated in a variety of ways, and you can show your affection for whoever you have a crush on by being generous.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Because Cupido is in Pisces, you have the ability to feel emotionally invested in whatever it is that you are infatuated with, and you can also feel extra passionate about your feelings. It is possible that you will want to immerse yourself in projects that you feel an emotional connection to, and you can be more emotionally supportive of anyone that you are passionate about.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

It is possible that you will feel strongly about your ideas when Cupido is in Pisces, and you will be able to work on putting them into action. You are free to use your imagination fully and give them your absolute best effort. It is also possible for you to be more expressive with the people you have a crush on, and you might want to discuss the situation with someone you are interested in.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

When Cupido is in Pisces, you have the potential to be a slow burn and to be extremely passionate, but it may take some time for your passion to build up. After you have reached the point where you are prepared, you will be able to commit to whatever it is that you are passionate about for life. This is something that can become a source of passion for you, and the more grounded you are, the more passionate you can be about being more grounded.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Because Cupido has moved to your sign, your level of passionate energy is at his peak. You are able to develop feelings of infatuation with a person or thing with relative ease, and this can be a fun experience for you. You also have the ability to be more creative. It is possible for other people to find you more fascinating and powerful, and it is also possible for you to become aware of someone who has a crush on you.

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