Home Consciousness Mars in Gemini Will Be a Wild Ride, But Hang in There; Hope Is on the Way

Mars in Gemini Will Be a Wild Ride, But Hang in There; Hope Is on the Way

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Tired of the chaos? Feeling the need to retreat and take some time for yourself?

Oh, well!

From July 20 to September 4, Mars will be in the air sign Gemini, which is considered to be one of the most significant and important astrological transits of the summer. During its previous transit, Mars passed through Gemini from August 20, 2022, to March 25, 2023. Notably, the retrograde phase commenced on October 30, 2022, and concluded on January 12, 2023. Now, let’s delve into the captivating themes and stories that emerged during Mars’ journey through the mutable sign. Reflect on the events that took place in 2022 and 2023 to gain insight into the upcoming influence of Mars in Gemini on your life in the coming months.

Gemini thrives on routines, and the dynamic energy of Mars amplifies this, motivating them to tackle errands, tasks, and chores with great enthusiasm. While doing so, they particularly enjoy exploring their local community. They approach their work with a high level of professionalism, completing tasks efficiently and with enthusiasm. It’s important to find a balance in life to avoid exhaustion and anxiety, even when we feel inspired to work late into the night.

When it comes to expressing our sensuality, Mars in Gemini can bring out a flirtatious nature. It is important to express our passions confidently and openly, without hesitation, when engaging in sexting or discussing our desires with others. Similarly, hexting (also known as hate texting) follows the same pattern. During times of heightened emotions and anger, it can be challenging to resist the urge to keep using our phones. It is of utmost importance that we pause and fully comprehend the significance of the words being expressed. It’s important to carefully organize and plan your thoughts before sharing them. Choose your words carefully, as they have the power to cause harm. Take note of the stories and rumors that are being shared among your peers. Given the dualistic nature of Gemini, it’s important to consider that there may be more to the story than meets the eye. If you sense that something is off, it’s wise to rely on your intuition.

How to Work with Mars in Gemini Energy

Take a deep breath and remain composed. To effectively manage stress and frustration, it is recommended to practice deep breathing exercises. By inhaling and exhaling deeply, you can bring a sense of calmness to your thoughts.

Keep a journal. In order to delve deeper into your emotions, take the time to carefully document them. Journaling can be a powerful tool for connecting with your emotions.

It is advisable to incorporate regular breaks in communication. There’s no need to send lengthy blocks of text all at once. Consider the core of the issue and convey a concise yet significant message.

Find solace and calm your thoughts. Avoid excessive analysis when it comes to these matters. Find solace in meditation and reconnect with the natural world to free yourself from obsessive thoughts.

Above all, engage in enjoyable activities. Mars in Gemini enjoys being social and having a great time. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do the same!

Mars in Gemini: Important Astrological Dates

July 20th: Mars gracefully enters Gemini, ushering in a delightful six-week period filled with exploration, a touch of sarcasm, and an abundance of excitement. During this time, you can expect to excel in the realm of communication, particularly through the art of written words and the skillful use of language. The power of the pen will always surpass that of any sword.

July 21st: Mars in Gemini harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, providing us with the opportunity to address important issues and individuals in order to bring about positive shifts in our relationship dynamics.

July 25th: Mars in Gemini forms a sextile with the Leo sun, providing us with the opportunity to confidently grow and fully embrace our unique brilliance.

August 1st: Mars in Gemini aligns with the Nodes of Destiny, encouraging us to make dedicated choices in our activities, projects, and endeavors that will have a significant impact on our future.

August 14th: Mars and Jupiter form a conjunction in Gemini. This celestial event has the potential to greatly expand our beliefs, circle of friends, philosophy, knowledge, and goals. It is a moment of growth and expansion that can bring about significant transformations in our lives.

August 16th: Mars in Gemini squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces may present challenges in terms of personal growth and self-assurance.

August 22nd: The alignment of Mars in Gemini and Venus in Virgo brings forth a wonderful opportunity to cultivate creativity, pleasure, and romance in both our personal lives and social circles.

August 24th: Mars in Gemini links up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, providing an opportunity for us to express our emotions and communicate our thoughts on past issues.

September 3rd: Mars in Gemini forms a challenging aspect with Neptune retrograde in Pisces before transitioning to a new sign. There may be a sense of uncertainty and self-doubt about the path that lies ahead. Stay positive and remain steadfast to navigate through the challenges of today.

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