Home Consciousness 2025 Is Set to Be One of the Most Impactful Years of the Century: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

2025 Is Set to Be One of the Most Impactful Years of the Century: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The year 2025 is set to be a significant ‘reset’ for the entire world.

2025 is expected to be the defining year of the century, and every one of us will have a front-row seat to history in the making. The reason for this is that the three significant outer planets—Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus—are set to shift signs.

The shift of a single major outer planet into a new sign carries profound implications for our lives and the global landscape, often guiding us toward fresh paths and opportunities. The simultaneous shift of all three planets into new signs heralds the dawn of a completely transformed reality.

Discover why 2025 stands out as ‘the most significant year of the century.’

The significance of 2025 lies in the sweeping changes and transformations that will unfold on a global scale.

This isn’t about any one of us individually. This is the vast world we inhabit, and these are the times we find ourselves in.

Pluto enters Aquarius, and it’s set to stay for the next 20 years.

Let’s start with Pluto, the planet intricately linked to global transformation and significant shifts in our personal lives, especially when it interacts with our individual charts. Pluto is now completing its final journey through Capricorn. Its presence in this sign aligns with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Recession, global upheaval, and more.

Pluto has re-entered Aquarius on November 19, 2024, after a two-year preview in the sign, embarking on a transformative journey that will last for the next 20 years. By the conclusion of this transit, the world as we know it will have undergone significant changes.

Capricorn embodies hierarchy, patriarchy, and the corporate world, while Aquarius focuses on community and the collective voice of the people. Pluto’s journey through Aquarius brings to mind significant historical shifts, notably the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment, which marked transformative periods in our collective evolution.

Aquarius stands out as the most humanitarian sign, governing the 11th house, which represents the collective. We stand at the brink of a monumental societal transformation driven by AI, and what we’ve witnessed so far is merely the beginning. Transformations on a grand scale are imminent with Pluto in Aquarius, particularly in the realm of business, reminiscent of the sweeping changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. While it’s challenging to predict the precise technical advancements on the horizon, it’s safe to assert that in 20 years, as Pluto transitions out of this sign, the landscape will be transformed. This will surpass the transformations brought about by home computers and the internet.

The American and French Revolutions took place during Pluto’s recent journey through Aquarius. This transit will once again revolve around the themes of freedom, individuality, self-determination, and self-rule. Life isn’t just about happiness and light; Aquarius is influenced by both Saturn, the planet of structure and tradition, and Uranus, the planet of upheaval. As we look ahead to 2029, the alignment of Pluto’s square to Saturn, followed by its square to Jupiter in 2030, promises to usher in significant global upheaval.

In the period from April to October 2025, Neptune will start to make its entrance into the sign of Aries.

Neptune’s last transit through Pisces occurred just before the US Civil War, making its entrance into Aries the very next day after the conflict ignited. Neptune will remain in Pisces until 2026, but by 2025, we will definitely start to sense the upcoming transformations.

Neptune in Pisces has played a role in the rise of displaced populations, humanitarian crises, and the spread of misinformation. Nonetheless, Neptune in Pisces has nurtured compassion, sensitivity, and artistic creativity, while also influencing religion and the church. As Neptune transitions into Aries, a fresh perspective will emerge globally, influenced by Aries’ Martian energy that embodies action and, at times, the spirit of conflict. The influence of Mars extends to men, suggesting a potential crisis surrounding the expression of masculinity.

Pisces embodies the 12th house of conclusions, while Aries governs the first house of new beginnings. The 0 degree of any planet is referred to as the ‘world point,’ influencing us on a collective level. Aries embodies the essence of the first house, symbolizing the self. This sign can sometimes lean toward selfishness, which we must be mindful of. However, it also embodies fresh ideas, innovative concepts, courage, and a spirit of independence. 0 degrees of Aries marks the inception of the entire zodiac, representing a pivotal sign and degree. It is the point where all beginnings unfold. Absolutely, every transiting planet starts at 0 degrees, signaling a wealth of fresh starts across various dimensions.

Neptune feels out of place in Aries, lacking the comfort it seeks in this sign. The dynamics between Neptune and Mars are strikingly discordant. Mars embodies the extroverted spirit, while Neptune represents the introspective nature. Neptune in Pisces embodies the essence of water, reflected in the surge of water-related weather events and disasters that have unfolded since the planet transitioned into this sign in 2012. Conversely, Neptune in Aries represents the element of fire. Neptune embodies a sense of selflessness, while Mars represents the essence of ego.

Additionally, Saturn transitions into Aries from late May through August, resulting in a Saturn-Neptune conjunction. This element can symbolize uprisings driven by beliefs. Saturn may bring about a tightening of misinformation, but if that occurs, it will be driven by a necessary demand for change. The influence of Neptune in Pisces has played a significant role in the spread of misinformation. Neptune governs the realms of the ethereal and spiritual, yet it also presides over the shadows of lies and deception.

The renowned French astrologer Andre Barbault foresaw WWII and COVID-19 long before they occurred. He stated, “The conjunction of 2026 is the most benefic configuration of the century, and its interplanetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. It contains a harmonious relationship between primordial polar opposites, the coming together of the external and internal, rational and spiritual mind and soul and human beings surpassing themselves while experiencing life on a higher level.”

Uranus is set to transition from Taurus to Gemini from July to early November 2025, marking its first shift in 84 years.

Gemini is governed by Mercury, the planet associated with thoughts and expression. As we evolve, our ideas will progress, prompting society to adopt a more intellectual stance on various issues. This shift is essential, especially in light of recent book bannings and other vague, counterproductive laws and concepts.

Throughout history, the last three transits of Uranus through Gemini have coincided with significant events in the United States: the American Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II. This marks the United States’ Uranus return, an event that takes place just once every 84 years.

The upcoming changes bring a mix of outcomes, as the outer planets are set to engage in some impactful and beneficial transits with one another.

Keep in mind that trines and sextiles typically bring favorable outcomes. In 2025, Uranus will form a sextile with Neptune and a trine with Pluto, promising positive outcomes for the world. Saturn in Aries will create a harmonious sextile with Uranus and Pluto, while Pluto will also form a sextile with Neptune and a trine with Uranus.

Barbault noted that this combination can only benefit humanity in the most positive ways, describing it as a significant ‘reset’ of the world.

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