Home Consciousness Manifestation Through the Conscious Direction of Mind Focus

Manifestation Through the Conscious Direction of Mind Focus

by consciousreminder
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by Frank M. Wanderer,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Image Source: vecteezy.com

Manifestation is a central element of the New Age movement, emphasizing an individual’s ability to consciously shape their reality through thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

This process is closely linked to the Law of Attraction, which states that the vibrations emitted by the human mind attract experiences and events of a similar frequency into one’s life.

1. The Role of Manifestation in the New Age

According to New Age philosophy, the universe is a dynamic energy field in which all existence is interconnected.

Within this framework, manifestation refers to the conscious direction of attention and the intention to bring desires and goals into reality.

This approach highlights individual responsibility and the recognition of inner power, encouraging people to actively shape their lives.

2. Practical Steps in Manifestation

Self-Reflection and Goal Setting: The first step is identifying inner desires and goals. It is essential that these align with one’s true values and aspirations.

Positive Affirmations: Regular use of positive statements helps reprogram the subconscious mind, reinforcing belief in the achievement of goals.

Visualization: Vividly and in detail, imagining the desired outcomes enhances mental focus and increases the effectiveness of manifestation.

Emotional Alignment: Experiencing the emotions one would feel upon achieving their goals raises vibrational frequency and strengthens the attraction process.

Action: Manifestation is not a passive process; conscious steps and decisions are needed to support the realization of set goals.

3. Manifestation and the Principle of Oneness

The practice of manifestation aligns with the principle of Oneness, which states that all existence is interconnected within a universal consciousness.

When an individual consciously directs their thoughts and intentions, they are not only shaping their personal reality but also contributing to the vibrational field of the entire universe.

This perspective encourages the recognition of one’s responsibility and impact in shaping the collective reality.

4. Challenges and Considerations

While manifestation can be a powerful tool for personal growth, it is important to acknowledge that not all desires are fulfilled immediately or exactly as envisioned.

The complex workings of the universe and the influence of collective consciousness can affect manifestation outcomes. Therefore, patience, openness, and flexibility are essential throughout the process.

5. Conclusion

In the New Age movement, manifestation serves as a tool for individual awareness and deeper connection with the universe, enabling people to consciously shape their lives and contribute to the positive transformation of collective reality.

Creative Meditation

Creative meditation, in the spirit of Oneness, is a practice designed to consciously connect with universal consciousness, recognizing our creative power and our role within Oneness.

This meditation helps align us with the energies flowing within and around us, allowing us to direct our attention and intentions toward manifesting our desired reality.

1. Steps of Creative Meditation


  • Find a quiet, peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Sit or lie down comfortably with your spine straight.
  • Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply and evenly.


  • Focus on your breath, and with each exhalation, release tension and stress.
  • Move your awareness through your body, consciously relaxing each muscle from your toes to the top of your head.

Connecting with Oneness:

  • Imagine bright, warm energy flowing from the top of your head into your body, connecting you to universal consciousness.
  • Feel this energy filling your entire being and linking you to all existence.

Setting Your Intention:

  • Bring to mind a desire or goal you wish to manifest.
  • Formulate this intention as a positive, present-tense statement, such as, “I am healthy and full of energy.”


  • Vividly and in detail, imagine that your intention has already manifested.
  • See yourself in the desired situation, experiencing the joy and fulfillment that comes with it.

Emotional Alignment:

  • Allow yourself to feel the emotions you would experience upon achieving your goal.
  • Let these feelings flood your heart and soul.

Expressing Gratitude:

  • Give thanks to the universe for supporting the realization of your intention.
  • Feel deep gratitude and trust in the process.

Closing the Meditation:

  • Slowly return to the present moment, becoming aware of your surroundings.
  • Open your eyes and carry the peace and positive energy from the meditation into your daily life.

2. Key Considerations

  • Consistency: The effectiveness of creative meditation increases with regular practice. Aim to do this meditation daily or multiple times a week.
  • Openness: Be open to how the universe responds. Your intention may not manifest exactly as envisioned, but trust that everything unfolds in your highest interest.
  • Patience: Manifestation takes time. Stay patient and maintain a positive mindset.

This creative meditation helps you consciously connect with Oneness, recognize your creative power, and cultivate a harmonious relationship with the universe.

Through regular practice, you can deepen self-awareness and more effectively bring your goals and desires into reality.

Excerpt from Frank M. Wanderer’s new book The Path of New Age to Unity

About the author: Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D is a professor of psychology, a consciousness researcher and writer, and publisher of several books on consciousness . With a lifelong interest in the mystery of human existence and the work of the human mind, Frank’s work is to help others wake up from identification with our personal history and the illusory world of the forms and shapes, and to find our identity in what he calls “the Miracle”, the mystery of the Consciousness.

You can also follow his blog HERE.

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