by Amy Miller The full moon is the perfect time to release what no longer serves you! The moon, being the closest astronomical body to Earth, has a profound effect on …
Health & Wellness
5 Symptoms You May Be Experiencing If Your Mental Health Is Poor
by Finnegan Pierson, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Mental health is about a lot more than just feeling depressed or anxious. If you don’t recognize how you feel and figure out why, then …
by Conscious Reminder The relationship you share with your food has a major bearing on the development of your spirit. Most individuals usually miss out on the importance of nourishment when …
by George J. Newton, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Now that the New Year is here, did you have any resolutions in mind? If so, is minding your mental health one of …
by Conscious Reminder EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a popular treatment when it comes to emotional stress and physical pain. It is an alternative to the traditional ideas of treating …
by Finnegan Pierson, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Stress is an extremely common experience, with approximately 70% of Americans saying that they feel stressed on a daily basis. However, there are simple steps …
by Conscious Reminder At times you feel a little off without any rhyme or reason. It so happens that you spill your coffee, get honked, break a cup, hurt someone’s feelings …
by Ryan Pell Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder The New Year has begun, and that means that it’s time for adopting new life-changing habits. And why not make meditation one of them? Meditation …
by Conscious Reminder Holistic healing methods provide us with a holistic point of view about a person that appears to be needing physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological help. We have compiled …
By Conscious Reminder The Muladhara chakra has also been referred to as the root chakra and is commonly found at the spinal base. The human spirit has seven chakras throughout it, …