by Conscious Reminder This isn’t for us to perform any elaborate, complicated rites. Now that we’ve crossed the Lionsgate Portal and there’s one more New Moon to look forward to …
by Conscious Reminder Twin flames are our mirror souls. If we ever meet a twin flame, we find ourselves getting reflected through that person – like a mirror. Every flaw …
Do you ever notice the same number or series of numbers popping up again and again throughout the day? When you wake up early in the morning and look at …
Surviving The Night As An Empath: Here’s How To Get Your Sleep Back
by Conscious Reminder “To perceive is to suffer.” ― Aristotle Empaths have seen the darker side of life and known suffering, loss, and struggle but have found their way out of …
by Conscious Reminder Guardian angels are always there for you. They would help you out in most situations where all doors seem to close and would walk by you as …
by Conscious Reminder Clairsentience, which means clear sensing, is the ability to feel the present, past, or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the normal …
by Conscious Reminder In the current world, you have to develop your own belief systems and stand strong for them. However, it can be a difficult thing. Sometimes, you might …
by Conscious Reminder Do you know about the concept of Soulplace? Well, it is a place where, when we enter, we will feel like our true selves – it’s a …
by Conscious Reminder One’s third eye has always been put on a pedestal since the medieval times. Even though biology has a special term for it called the pineal gland, …
The Lionsgate Portal Opens Today: Get Ready For A Massive Energy Influx
by Conscious Reminder This is not an event known to many but it affects each and every one of us with an intensity that is difficult to describe. Today, the …