by Ainsley Lawrence, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Let’s face it: these last few years have been difficult for everyone. We’re all looking for a sense of direction and, perhaps, a bit of …
by George Kourakos, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Feng shui is a traditional Chinese art that aims to harmonize people with their surroundings. Feng means wind, and Shui means water – two …
by Conscious Reminder The start of a brand-new year can be both intimidating and very hopeful since it is essentially a clean slate full of opportunity. However, with two retrogrades currently …
by Conscious Reminder In the field of astrology, angel numbers are simply a sequence of numbers that are repeated. These are usually considered to be messages sent from the Universe. So, …
by Conscious Reminder According to Buddha, “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” Well, the same thing goes for spiritual women. Additionally, spiritual …
by Conscious Reminder We all make New Year’s resolutions, and we all fail to keep them. So every single time we think about such a resolution, it is inevitable that we …
by Conscious Reminder A soul tie is a connection or a bond you feel with someone that is not limited to just one level. When you have a soul tie, you …
by Conscious Reminder A lot of us grow up never really feeling at home or ever finding our “tribe”. You always feel out of place during family or social events that …
by Conscious Reminder Master numbers have more potential than other numbers. These are the numbers which when rooted require special emphasis on their existence. These numbers are 11, 22, 33 etc. …
by Conscious Reminder Peacocks stand for a lot of things like good weather, happiness, security and so on. One is believed to have good luck the whole day if they see …